Since some people just do not understand the concept of this page, We have to SPELL it out for them. So here is our official disclaimer...go 'head, read away.

First off, we are NOT, I repeat, NOT affiliated with *N SYNC in any way. We do not know the guys, and the stories/articles on this page are PURELY fiction for entertainment purposes, unless stated otherwise. (Which then will blatantly say...THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR HUMOR PURPOSES, THIS IS A TRUE STORY...etc.) Ok? So, just so you all know, we do not BELIEVE that we will "seduce" our men, or anything else. We think it's funny, whether you do or not, and that is why we put it up...so it could be read by mature fans that can HANDLE A JOKE! Ok?

Also this is about the multitude of hatemail: AGGGHHHH we just hate teenyboppers! We checked the guestbook on the joint site today, and there was a rude HATEMAIL entry. Uggh, why do people think that we are ACTUALLY serious about the things we write? They must think that we are freaking dillusional or something. I (Jen) really actually think that I am gonna EVER seduce Justy-Just. GOOD ONE! Hell, if I met the guy I would just stand there open mouthed, and barely be able to stutter his name, let alone translate his ebonics. Sheesh. Who do these people think we are? We don't wear Fubu, Superman, OR baby blue (UNC stuff included) to concerts, we don't take stuffed animals or letters and try to con a bodyguard into taking it backstage for Justin, We DO NOT scream, "Justin ( insert other name here), I love you!" when he/they walks onstage (even if Justin's in a wifebeater), AND believe it or not, We don't even bring a sign that says JUSTIN--YOU'RE THE ONE I WANT or Joey, I LIKE JELLO TOO!. Or something retarded like that. And yet, we get these HATEMAILS from people who more than likely DO these things. UGghhhh, why can't they get it through their heads that we are JOKING?!?!?!!? Some people....

That is all...if you think you can handle a joke...then go 'head and enter the rest of the site! Enjoy yourselves, and have a good laugh, since that is what it's here for! Later-- The Just Ride Em Gang!

Ride Em!

Email: justridensync@hotmail.com