Look it's a LuLu fan!! I mean Lance fan, whatever!!

Ok sorry to disappoint you, but we aren't putting up anymore LuLu letters. *sigh* I know I know, they are so entertaining, and that is why we decided to put this up!!! It's LuLu's twin. We got a new guestbook entry, they didn't leave an e-mail addy though *cowards* so we thought we would put it up here, so you all can get a good laugh out of someone just as psycho as LuLu *maybe it is LuLu maybe her real name is Alli...hmmm we'll never know* Enjoy!! Our comments are after in italics.

What upsets me is that you are mean and rude enough to actually write those things about Lance... You are such @$$e$!!! I mean REALLY? Is this what you do for fun? If this is what you do for fun I find you 2 to be some very sick little teenyboppers. Oh btw. your site sux. P.S. Don't keep dissin' da Lulu girl. She is just defending her man. -Alli

Oh geez, where do we begin?? LOL, I guess first we would like to thank you for providing us with a good laugh for today!!! With that said.....I really don't think Lance cares what we say about him, he has more important things on his mind, like what shade of lipstick to wear. Until Lance tells us personally that it bothers him, we will continue to get a good laugh at Lance's expense. We find it funny that everyone sticks up for Lance, do we really make that much fun of Lance??? What about the other dorks, I mean members of nsync? Does no one care about them? As much as we love hatemail, sticking up for Lance??? Puh-lease we know ya'll can do better than that!!! Ok back to the point, @$$e$??? Golly gee, you sure are clever!! Teeny boppers?!?!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yeah right!!! Umm I don't know what you think teeny boppers means, but in my Webster's dictionary, I see your picture right under it!!! We don't know any teeny boppers that would make fun of Lance or any of them for that matter. And as far as LuLu sticking up for her man?? Why waste your breath writing a site that doesn't care, sticking up for a guy that will probably never know you exist??? If you think LuLu is so great, give us your e-mail addy and we will send you all her wonderful letters, then maybe you will take back your opinion of her!!! Ok well thats all, wait HAHAHAHAHA ok we're done....really *snicker, snicker*...

Email: justridensync@hotmail.com