Hola from Mexico...*N Sync goes South of the Border!!

After a spontaneous suggestion to go to Cancun (*N Sync would be filming the MTV Spring Break thing there...on the 10th(March), we were determined to go to Mexico. Cancun was pretty far away, but with determination in our eyes we headed off to Cancun 3, 000 something miles away.

After 32 hours straight driving, we made it!! When we got to our hotel ( thank god for plastic ~Val ) we settled in, video taped a bit and watched the sun set from our ocean front room...then we decided to go party. While "partying", all the girls met some guys. Two stick out in particular...due to their uncanny resemblance/same hometown as our *N Sync boys. Jen was picked up by "Don Juan" aka the Troll Doll. (Ok, ok...this is Jen and HE WAS NOT A TROLL DOLL!!! He was cute...just a little shorter than me. But hey...it works for Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman...so I think I could overlook it. Lol. *Picture coming soon*) He was from Brooklyn. (Jen again--he had that kick a** Brooklyn accent too!! Woohoo)(Alright this is Beth, Jen and Val conviently left a little part out about Don and I don't think they could have forgotten this, so they must have done it on purpose!!! Don Juan *ahem, yeah sure, choke* RAISES PIGEONS IN BROOKLYN,so not only does he live there but he has a quaint little pigeon farm. Isn't that cozy: Jen, Don Juan, and 300 something pigeons, *sigh* it doesn't get any more romantic than that!!! *I am trying very hard to keep my giggling to a minimum*) Beth asked him if he knew any Joey Fatone's that moved to Orlando from Brooklyn. Don Juan probably didn't know what the heck she was trying to get at, but said, "YES..I know like 30 Joey Fatone's and they all moved to Orlando." (So...I figure that everybody in Brooklyn looks like Joey--and they all have his name. Beth is finding an apartment there as we speak. *this is Beth~I resent that comment I am in fact moving to NY but not Brooklyn, I will just drive there and look for my Joey wannabe so =P* JUST FOR THE RECORD--Don Juan did NOT look like Joey--he was waayyy cuter. At least in my opinion~~Jen.)

Meanwhile, Val was being picked up by Gel Boy aka JC's twin. (NO JOKE!) He had the Clooney cut that JC got rid of awhile ago (THANK GOD!!)...BUT seemed to have had a gel explosion on his HEAD. (There was an overabundance of gel used...I kid you not.) Val thought that Gel Boy was an almost exact replica of her man JC. ( Val here, not really but when its dark there is a resemblance, BUT NO ONE Could look as good as my Sprinkles, I (Jen) ON the other hand did not share her thought...especially after she called Don Juan A TROLL DOLL!!! I thought he just had the same gelled down--old JC hairdo thing going for him.)*Possible picture evidence of Gel Boy/JC's twin's existence...when we see what the heck is on our film*

While we were at Coco Bongos we heard a lot of girls screaming and shoved our way through to see what the fuss was about. Surprise, Surprise our boys were making their ways in, And after a few "sodas" they were getting jiggy ( so to speak ). Joey was passing out his number, Chris was dancing on the bar, Lance had his own personal troll doll with him, JC was busy looking at something, and Justin was eating up the attention ( why not, 20 something drunk women hitting on a 18 year old, what guy would turn that down?) Anyways, Beth, being the brave one she is, pushed her way up to her Joey. ( She'll write after she comes down from her high ). Now Jen and I (Val) are a little shy, but we forced ourselves from just watching, to making our moves. Needless to say, we were very happy we did. ( Wedding invitations are comming out soon-- J/K!! ) JC was extremely nice and even bought Val a "soda". Meanwhile, Justin got his groove on with Jen.( I, Val, wish that we didn't waste the last of our film on Gel-Boy and the troll). We had an AWESOME night!! ( we'll write more later )

The next day, we decided to go horseback riding on the beach. Val wanted to "score" by getting a tan horse with a blonde mane. (JC's favorite...we aren't sure what kind of horse Gel Boy likes...we'll get back to you on that one. Lol.) Jen wanted to ride Toby...in honor of Lance. ( haha a side note, DO NOT ride the morning after partying, BIG NO-NO!!)

On with the story...TOBY was a little WILD...and tended to take off running down the beach. Jen was screaming hysterical because Toby wouldn't stop when she pulled back on the reins. (He was wild...Lance hasn't been riding him lately...lol.) Val's horse was about ready to DIE...he/she was so friggin old. The moral of the horseback riding story is: TOBY LIVES!!!! (I(Jen) should know..I rode him!) =)

That was our awesome story from Cancun!!!! We though you might like to know what our boys were doing the night before =)

Ride Em!

Email: justridensync@hotmail.com