Our Dear Friend LuLu.....

See LuLu this is what we all think of your hatemail!!

We have recieved tons of e-mails asking us if we will give them LuLu's e-mail address (Lancies_LuLu@hotmail.com). We thought we would put up this page to save all of you time, so you don't have to e-mail us. We have said it before and we will say it again, we will not give out LuLu's address (Lancies_LuLu@hotmail.com) because even though she has repeatedly sent us hatemail, and is still doing it, she is a person and has the right to her privacy. Even though giving her e-mail addy out might teach her a lesson, we decided that we would not tell everyone that it is Lancies_LuLu@hotmail.com. I hope this helps you out, and I hope you understand why we do not want to tell everyone that LuLu's e-mail addy is Lancies_LuLu@hotmail.com =) So PLEASE DOn't e-mail her telling her what a freak she is!! Thanx!!

*Just in case anyone missed it, her e-mail addy ISn't Lancies_LuLu@hotmail.com*

Ride LuLu back home !

Email: justridensync@hotmail.com