*N Sync: Mad for...PLAID?!?

Well, we have noticed that our boys have had some serious fashion catastrophes lately. (Duh...who HASN'T noticed?) And many of these "mishaps" have to do with PLAID of all things. We are sorry boys, this is just something we had to do. Maybe this will get them to STOP THE PLAID INSANITY FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!

(This pic was taken courtesy of Mother of God) This is the first example we found. Justin is the only one in this picture that decided to NOT wear god awful plaid. All we have to say to the OTHER three is WHY boys, WHY?!? I mean, JC, we at least thought YOU had style. (Oh wait...*flashback to Kathie Lee's Xmas special*...we take that back...maybe not!)

AGHHHHHH!!! The truth unfolds--JC is truly a plaid lover from the start. This pic is from his MMC days...and we think that he needs to be smacked in the head! What is up with that plaid? Ew! By the way...nice hair.

Oh god...now we know this is from a video..but just check out Chris' shirt and JC's pants. HAHAHAHAHA...what were they THINKING?!?

Ok, ok, I will admit...I (Jen) like this shirt. I mean please! (Can Justin EVER look bad?!? j/k) But, it is another example that *N Sync loves plaid. How annoying is that?

Another plaid shirt modeled by Justy. What is up with the plaid fetish here people?!?

Oh good god! What was Justy-Just thinking?!?! Stop with the plaid OVERALLS?!

This shirt isn't too bad, but it's still Plaid! Ughh, STOP IT--you're SCARIN' me!

I think JC got dressed in the dark here! I don't know WHAT he was thinking. But, since he's like THE KING OF PLAID...who knows!

Ok, WHO the heck buys this plaid for our boys? They need to be SHOT!

Surprise, surprise...Lancey's following the plaid trend. Who would've guessed?

Ok people, that is all we could find for now. Actually--no--we were just getting dizzy and naseous from looking at all the plaid. More coming soon!! We know you are excited. =) Lol.

Ride 'Em!

Email: justridensync@hotmail.com