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Amazing facts about yours truly
Me in Newsham Park, Liverpool, aged 4 in 1978 and back again 17 years later aged 21 in August 1995.
I was born in Broadgreen Hospital, Liverpool on the 31st July 1974, three months early, I weighed 3lbs 2oz so spent the first three months of my life stuck in an incubator in Alder Hey hospital. I have a younger brother David, who is now 22, and a reminder to me of how old I must be! Me and my sibling are complete oppossites, (I got the good looks!!)
In my 26 years on this planet I have lived in Old Swan, Tuebrook, Halewood and for ten years in Wavertree. I attended Northway County Primary School and in 1985 started at the Holt High School which later became Childwall Comprehensive. After spending eleven years living in Roby with my family I have now (sort of) cut the apron strings and have bought my own place overlooking the Liver Building (if I turn my head ninety degrees out of my living room window!) When not at my new flat or in the pub I can be found working for Knowsley Borough Council. My job is at the headquarters of Knowsley Library service which is one of the most successful in the country, currently at the cutting edge in information technology access for the public.
At the moment I am currently getting used to the idea of having to pay a mortgage and act all 'grown up' at twenty six!.
When I do find the odd spare fiver I enjoy going out for a few drinks. Obviously easy access to pubs and bars was not an influence in my decision to leave the suburbs and head back to the heart of the city!
Coming soon I will devote a page to my 'pad' so come back soon to discover if I have any taste in interior design!
When not decorating or working I enjoy meeting up with my friends and going for a drink, either on Wavertree High Street or in Liverpool City centre. Find out more about my favourite drinking haunts by joining me for a few bevvies around Mathew Street and Wavertree on my Liverpool pub crawl.

Name - Kenneth Neil Pulford
Age - 26!
Height - 5ft 11
Weight - 11st 3
Eyes - Blue
Starsign - Leo
Favourite bands - I'm afraid I must be getting old as I find myself watching 'Top of the Pops' these days and saying things like 'they aren't as good as the bands in my day'! My own tastes are quite mixed I like the Beatles and am a big fan of 80's bands such as the 'Smiths' and 'Echo and the Bunnymen'. I was also there in the 90's and so got into Pulp, Suede, Marion, Blur etc, but thankfully not into Oasis.. As for new stuff my latest purchases were Ian Brown's latest album and the new record from 'Moby' so maybe I am still slightly 'with it'.
Football team - Everton, and a soft spot for Liverpool who I supported until I was eight before changing to be different to the rest of my family who are all reds. I am looking forward to the new season though as with Gazza now a blue it's obvious we are going to win the league.
Favourite pub/bar - You name it, I'm quite fond of the Jacaranda on Slater Street and the bars on Concert Square, also like the 'Revolution' for the flavoured Vodka and the Coffee House on the High Street. I also have a soft spot for old dives like the 'Why Not' when not knocking them back with the cast of 'Hollyoaks' round at the trendy 'Blue bar' at the Albert Dock
Favourite film - Er, not much of a movie-goer really, last film I saw was 'Gladiators' which quite enjoyed so I must start visiting the 'Odeon' more often.
Favourite book - J D Salinger 'Catcher in the Rye', George Orwells '1984' and 'Keep the aspidistra flying' are old favourites. I also like modern authors such as Will Self, James Hawes and Douglas Coupland.
Pets - My dog is an English Springer Spaniel called Lady, she is now 12 years old really fat and greedy but also the nicest dog in the world.
TV Programmes - I now enjoy 'Star Trek Voyager', I especially enjoy Jeri Ryan who plays 'Seven of Nine' (see Link Page). I also like to keep up with the news so watch lots of 'Sky news'. As a cultured sort of person I stay clear of Channel 5 and watch things like the 'art-zone' on BBC2 I also like MTV although I am feeling a litle worried as these days VH1 seems to suit my tastes more.
Favourite comedian - Quite an eclectic mix really. I like a range of people including Sean Hughes and Victoria Wood. My favourite comedian of all time however is the now legendary but sadly departed Bill Hicks.
Favourite holiday destination - I have recently returned from Salou in Spain and spent my entire fortnight looking around for English things like fried breakfasts and bars serving cheap pints of beer. Hardly taking in the culture eh? If I was looking for a cultural holiday destination I would like to go to Cuba.
Hobbies - Er, I don't really like train spotting and I'm not particularly into collecting anything. I suppose my hobby is going out drinking, er socialising I mean. However socialising implies I do things like go to theatres and restuarants, and although I wouldn't mind doing more of that I have to be honest and say generally I just like a few bevvies down the pub.
Like to eat - My favourite foods are simple but tasty dishes such as 'Panzanella con I pompodori secchi e la rucola', only joking! Although I like Italian generally that means a pizza. Liverpool though has started to see a rapid growth in restuarants so I must visit 'Ask' and 'La Tasca' again on Queen Square.
I especially enjoy Chinese food and I am sometimes to be found late on a Saturday night at 'Wong's' in Chinatown which although pleasant enough is definitely more Ken Pulford than Ken Hom
Clothes - Although not known for my vast wardrobe I once in a while like shopping for the odd shirt or a pair of 'keks'. I like names such as the classic 'Fred Perry' and shops in Liverpool such as 'Wade Smith' 'Arc' 'Gionacarlo Ricci' (sounds posher than it is) and good old 'Next'. My favourite garment at the moment is my 'dragon' shirt which has to be seen to be appreciated

My other interests include local history. I take particular interest in local architecture and am often to be found boring friends of mine with facts about the corinthian columns on St Georges Hall which although exciting to me I must admit hold less fascination for people who just "can't be bothered"
Although not a person who sits up trees or even a stereotype militant scouser I am also interested in politics. My own views are nicely left of centre and although me and Tony don't see eye to eye on everything I am reasonably happy with the way things are.
So thats me...
In five words - Shy, egotistical, lazy, sentimental, loyal.

To actually find out what I look like visit my KNP GALLERY
Coming soon there will be a new look 'Gallery' with some new snaps! Bet you can't wait?

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