well, september draws to a close and yet again school has taken precedence. today is the first in many many many that i have had no homework.. (or at least a small enough amount that i could get it done at school). fun. went to starbuck's on monday, had an interesting drink, mall yesterday to visit my best friend in the entire world. :) sad, he's succumbed to working at a clothing store which preaches pop culture. tsk tsk. ah so "i think it's time to say good bye now.. time to say goodbye.....now." but i can't manage to...ooh i wrote a new poem in leu of recent events.. it's basically just a summary (as abstract as it may be) of september-my division, my indepdence, my self-realization. so this is all for now. there would be much more to tell if i weren't sworn to secrecy. i love september
well, the hurricane passed me without so much as a rainstorm after i spent hours helping drag patio furniture inside and putting up shutters and whatnot. ::shrugs:: ah well at least i got some muscle tone in there. ever realize how friendly people get once you get a car? it's all of a sudden "i'm your friend, can you drive me somewhere?" i just found it interesting.
there was a really good essay i read in english today.. "i believe in disbelief."or was it, "i don't believe in belief." something like that. i liked it. not much to say today... sorry. didn't add anything to the webpage. yeah i know i'm lazy. but also in AP courses which take up most of my time. ::shrugs:: deal with it. i know i have to.
in leu of the terrible "have to scroll down forever to get to the most recent entries" layout of alpha version "august.1999" i've decided to start putting new entries at the top of the page instead. hurricane floyd is headed straight for me.. fun, eh? 155mph winds, moving DIRECTLY west (right in my ugly chick face) at 16mph, and in a few hours it will be a category 5. did you know it's larger than the state of florida itself? essentially, no matter WHERE you are in florida, you'll get hit. especially effective since i'm right where the eye is supposed to be..
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