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Leslie Cheung

Cantonese Name : Jeung Gwok Wing
Chinese Name : Zhang1 Guo2 Rong2
Birthdate : 12th September 1956
Height : 175cm
Weight : 64kg
Zodiac Sign: Monkey
Astrological Sign : Virgo
Bloodtype : O+

Leslie's Favourite...

Sports : Jogging, Swimming, Squash
Weather : Sunny
Food : Seafood
Drink : Chinese Tea
Fruit : Mango
Dessert : Pudding
Colours : White, Blue, Black
Clothes : Casual
Accessories : Watch
Animal : Dog
Plant : Lily
Number : 5
Actors : Chow Yun Fatt, Jackie Chan
Singer : Madonna
Pop Group : Pet Shop Boys
Music : Classical,Pop, Chinese Opera(Cantonese)
Holiday : Christmas
Hobbies : Sailing, Reading, Music, Movies

Leslie's most...

Hated Insect : Cockroach
Embarrassing Moment : Forgot to zip his pants

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