Welcome to the Homepage of the
Adoption Registry Owners Mailing List
The purpose of this new mailing list is to bring together the owners of online adoption registries.
To subscribe to the list, just send me an email with the following information:
1. your name
2. the name of your registry
3. the URL (web address) of your registry
Why is this list here? To put it very simply, there needs to be better communication between ALL registry owners on line. With so many new registries appearing each day, it is highly possible that there are searching birthparents and adoptees out there who might never connect because they aren't looking in the right registries.
There is also a need for simple and basic guidelines regarding why type of information is displayed in each registry. With unscrupulous searchers, spammers and what have you, security is now more important than ever.
Our list is just getting started, so we would love to have you join us on our list. Follow the instructions above and we'll see ya on the list!!
Other List Business, including:
The Adoption Registry Owners Mailing list FAQ
Membership Registries
Return to the Homepage
Registry Rescue