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Paul Young Fan Data Base GuestBook Archive
Retired August 21, 2002


Elaine Cook Great Deals -&- Giveaways 15/Aug/2002:17:00:02
Wonderful job you've done..

mercedes   10/Jul/2002:15:21:23
hi,everyone. It's first time I write here. I'm from Madrid and I'm 31.
I've always liked Paul's voice but since I met him for first time live
in Santiago de Compostela as Roxy Music supporter ,june 2001 I've
became a great fan of his. greetings to every Paul's fans. Great web
site. Adios!
John   05/Jul/2002:13:30:25
Hi Lisa,

How are you.It has been a long time that we have spoken to each other.
I was(and still are) on the background.It's a long time for me that i
sign a guestbook or something like that.
But still loves the music of Paul.

Take care,

Dawn   18/Jun/2002:17:30:28
Took my Mum to see Paul in Norwich on 16th June 2002. It was
absolutely fantastic. How jealous was I of the girl (Rita) who danced
with him!!!! I've been a fan with my Mum for years and can't wait to
see him again. Well done on your website do you know if the man himself
ever reads it??

My hubby plays a lot of gigs and seing Paul perform has reinforced to
me how important it is to back them all the way. I bet Stacey must be
really proud of him!!!!

Ramona   12/Jun/2002:13:20:18
jasmine hendry   08/Jun/2002:16:48:20
enjoyed you in Edinburgh, can't wait to see you in Glasgow. Been a fan
for twenty years. Still looking good, hope to meet you in glasgow (back
stage ) just you and me lolxxxxxx .If your looking for a dancing
partner in glasgow just shout for Jasmine. Hope to see you soon.
Sara White FREE STUFF ..(click here) 23/May/2002:15:30:44
Great time.

Sarah Beaton   16/May/2002:15:58:57
Great site - saw Paul in concert last week - he is sexier than ever.
Antje Rijk   10/May/2002:20:52:50
Isobel Sharples   10/May/2002:08:21:15
I have been a fan since the beginning moved to Oz nine years ago, just
gone on the net, don't know what has been released since I left UK.
Still one of the finest voices I have heard!!
Matilda 13/Apr/2002:06:13:16
Splendid work. I appreciate your site.
monty   08/Apr/2002:18:07:10
visa yang PAUL YOUNG TAIWAN WEBSITE 31/Mar/2002:11:37:45
kem   26/Mar/2002:00:20:23
groovy site!
i'm interested in buying your 'other voices' cd if it's still available
(hope hope hope)... (for some reason, i couldn't get thru on
the 'contact me' button... hmm)
anyway. thanx!
tina   14/Feb/2002:22:10:18
hi; hope paul and stacy had a great valentine s day'
love monty.xx
tina[martina]   11/Jan/2002:19:10:38
martina [monty]   22/Oct/2001:16:14:36
hi all
hope you are well ;still my no.1
Peter Killick Child Flight; Celebrity Auction 22/Jun/2001:18:15:16
I hope you will accept this message to your board.
I manage a Celebrity Auction website in support of Child Flight
(British Registered Childrens Charity No. 327986). This small charity
is delighted to have received a signed "From Time To Time" CD from Paul
which is now newly available at auction on the site.
This site is utterly respectable, is sponsored by British Telecom, has
operated for almost two years and has sold almost 250 celebrity items.
I hope some of you may take a look and maybe lodge a bid, you may well
find other material of interest there.
Thank you for reading this far
Regards all
Peter, Lancashire, England
JOSE RAMON CAMPIÑO P   20/Jun/2001:16:21:55
I'm a great fan of Paul too.And from Spain want to say,that my life have
a new vision after that I knew Paul Young and your friend Paul Carrack.
We don't know that one can feel when hear to Paul at night in a island
looking to the moon and anybody singing one of yours songs.

from Spain thanks for Paul and Paul
tracey scott   14/Jun/2001:15:39:12
very interesting
Michael-Dante Craig The Valley of the 80s 14/Jun/2001:11:47:35
Great site on one of the best singers of the 80s. I was surfing the
Net, looking for more information to include in my next book, the
stumbled in here. For more info on my book, check out my homepage URL.
Keep up the great work on the site...
Richelle   12/Jun/2001:22:59:14
hey i checked the web page out! looks great to me!
so ya im going to go now. i hope this is the paul that i know.
if it is GEE paul i didn't know about this web! but ya now im
going to go
Michelle   30/May/2001:20:33:18
Lisa, I really love your web site and Paul too. I could have written
some of the statements people have put in this guestbook myself, like
feeling 15 again, and not realising how people still feel about Paul
and his music after all these years, thanks for sharing this with me.

manda not got one 29/May/2001:16:23:12
hi there big PY fan thought web site was cool looking for others to e
mail and exchange thoughts my e mail add is look forward to hereing from other big
fans bye for now manda
Annalisa   14/May/2001:10:50:59
I'm an old PY fans.......since 1984!!!!!I'm a 34 lawyer now but the
passion is always the same. We miss you in Italy Paul, come back soon!
I'm also looking for "reflection" CD or tape because in Italy was not
for sale (unbelieveable!)
Michael-Dante Craig The Fabulous 80s Road Show 14/May/2001:09:05:36
Nice web page. Paul Young was one of my favorite singers during the
80s, and he is listed several times in my book, THE TOTALLY AWESOME 80S
POP MUSIC TRIVIA BOOK. You can check the book out at my homepage URL,
if you would like. Keep up the great site on a fantastic singers...
John   04/May/2001:03:12:20
Hi Lisa,

It's a long time ago that we have spoken.How are you?
I will send you a video(*.rm extension) for your site.
I think it will be this weekend.I don't know what kind of clip yet.
I will see.Keep up the good work.

costanza   03/May/2001:13:34:50
paul young and his music are the one of the best things that happened
in my life......thank you Paul
sue stoddart   27/Apr/2001:15:59:39
hello! just to let you know i am coming to bradford on the 3rd may
with two of my possy to
see paul. anyone else going??

i will be waitning for you after the performance paul to give you a
performance of my own!! see you there!!!!
Jesica   01/Apr/2001:21:30:51
Hi I love you Paul
kindog 10/Mar/2001:19:48:23
hey nice page...visit mine
Jennifer   10/Mar/2001:17:30:52
Lisa - your site is great! absolutely wild, -&- so well done. Thanks for
Gabby TOTAL TUES 10/Mar/2001:16:16:24
well I was checking out your page and at first I thought maybe Paul was
some independant artist cause his name did'nt sound familiar. But I
read on a bit and realized that I had heard of one or two of his songs.
Anyway couple of questions for you... Has he always been a solo artist
and when did he last release new material?
craig boardman craig boardmans boots 10/Mar/2001:13:58:11

With passionate awe that is deeper than panic
The spirit subdued and unshaken
Takes heed of the godhead terrace and Titanic
Whose football is felt on the breach of manic
Sharp steps that their fire has forsaken.

Yes Craig Boardman's Boots.... Keep marching on !

Hope Hope's World 10/Mar/2001:12:33:41
I don't like Neil Young and I don't know who Paul Young is. I'm
guessin he's SOMEBODY because YOU spent a lot of time on this site.
Okay. Now go to mine and tell me why I'm not a site of the day, all of
Christine Big 80s Music -&- More 10/Mar/2001:11:16:38
Way to go!!!! How cool to see Paul's name on Angelfires home page!
Fred Fred's Internet Island 10/Mar/2001:01:57:11
Just go to A
HREF=""Fred's Internet
Island/A and feel free to surf yourself silly.
Denise Paul Young Live 06/Feb/2001:14:58:35
Hi All,

I s there one song more than any other that you would like to hear Paul
sing on his forthcoming tour? Well now is your chance to let him know .
Paul has agreed to sing the song that you, the fans, vote for on my
site Paul Young Live. So pop along and vote and he could be singing
your song!
Even if you are not going to one of his concerts why not vote as I'm
sure Paul would like to know what songs people like the best.

Denise xx
Mr.Puck Willemstein   31/Jan/2001:14:28:21
Denise rumtruffles and life 25/Jan/2001:09:40:38
Hi everyone

Just to let you know that I am going to the Glenrothes gig on 20th
april so if you are going have a good time and we might even meet.

If you are going to see Paul in concert dont forget to send me a report
for the Paul Young Live web site!
Here's the addy
martina music 20/Jan/2001:16:37:40
i love paul youngs music., its very special to me
Wen Hillyerd   15/Jan/2001:14:29:15
Enjoyed the videos.
Angela   05/Jan/2001:18:05:10
I loved the jeans he wore on TOTP in the eigties when he sung 'LOVE OF

I loved it when he looked at me eyeball to eyeball at Edinburugh
Playhouse in 1987.
Andrej   26/Dec/2000:06:51:48
Voice of Paul Young is great, extraordinary. I listen him since 1985.
Eversince LP's and CD's are always on my HI FI sterei player :).

Keep going on !

What about tuor in Middle Europe ???

Andrej from Maribor, Slovenia
Margaret   17/Dec/2000:17:06:40
I'm so happy to find this website. I've been a fan of Paul's for 17
years and still think he is the greatest. His music changed my life!
Thanks and keep on going!

M Scott
Pam Pam   13/Dec/2000:15:47:08
Yo Great One!

This is one GREAT site! Keep up the good work!
Your friend from South Dakota
Denise Paul Young Live 09/Dec/2000:02:31:10
Hi everyone-me again!

Thanks for all you messages of support for my new PY web site, however
if it is to work I really need your reports about ANY gig that you have
been to that featured Paul.
It doesnt have to be a masterpiece!
Hope to here from you all soon, just pop along to the site and go to
the reports page!

Thanks all
Denise Paul Young Live 26/Nov/2000:03:25:11
Hi everyone,
Ihave just created a new PYweb site that concentrates on reports from
fans about their experiences of seeing PY live.
It has been created not to rival the other PY sites but to work along
with them. You can find links to other PY sites,including this one.
So pop along and have a look and send me your report about PY live.
Denise Life and Rumtruffles 15/Nov/2000:16:32:45
Lisa what a great site!
I have been a fan for 17 years and I honestly didn't know that so many
people still love Paul and his music.
I love spending some time each week away from being a responsible adult
with 3 kids just reading about what PY is up too and talking to other
I recently won the shirt that PY was wearing while filming the video
for 'I wish you love' and now Sophie at the Official Paul Young web
site is putting it up for auction with all proceeds going to Paul
chosen charity.

Once again great site,well done,I'll definately be back again!

Audrey   06/Nov/2000:11:14:27

Here is a little note from Holland.
I'm fan for 17 years now.

Maryline   30/Oct/2000:04:28:18
Hi Lisa and everyone!
I'm writing from France and I'm a fan since..... years now!! I love the
latest pictures you added on the site from Never minds the Buzzcocks
(thank you so much John for posting them!!).
Cheers to all the Paul Young fans around the world!!!!
miriam odonnell   18/Oct/2000:16:48:53
ive been a paul young fan since 1984 and am glad to find another web
page dedicated to him, they should all be dedicated to him. hope to
maybe hear from some other fans
Goldschalt Silke   11/Oct/2000:09:47:21
Hallo. Viele Grüße an alle Paul Young Fan. Bin seit 1983 großer Fan.
Vielleicht hat ja jemand von euch Lust mir mal zu mailen. Würde mich
visayang paul young taiwan website 09/Oct/2000:14:16:55
hi lisa -&- everyone
welcome new "paul young taiwan website"

Fiona   01/Oct/2000:14:08:03
Hey Lisa. It has been too long since my last visit. Shame on me! But
what a great site! I love the updates! And I'll surely be ordering some
stuff from you real soon too! Thanks again for having the site! Hope to
catch up with you on ICQ someday! Bye for now, Fiona
Wendy   28/Sep/2000:19:09:34
Great site Lisa! I am going to see and hear PY live for the first time
this weekend. I am so looking forward to it. My best friend will come
with me, she happens to be a huge fan. So I bet we will have a great
time Saturday!!
Love Wendy
Wen Hillyerd   13/Sep/2000:13:45:26
Hi Lisa, How do I get .DLLfile,AMSVCR.DLL to view Audio and Videos?
Lisa   20/Aug/2000:17:44:05
Hi Terry,

You need a Windows Media Player in order to play the Featured
Video. The link to download it is on the PYFDB front page.

Take Care,

terry bryant   20/Aug/2000:17:22:55
like the site, but couldnt access the featured video
bye for now
Lisa   18/Aug/2000:17:03:10
Hello Lisa,my name is...Lisa and I'm writing from Italy.Paul Young is
great and your fan club is fantastic!!!!

Kisses Lisa
Mayola   03/Aug/2000:08:22:09
Hi Lisa!

My name is Mayola and I am from Holland. I am 31 years old and am a
Paul Young-fan since August 1983. This week is my lucky week: I have
discovered 2 PY-websites! I think it looks great!

Love from Holland,
John   02/Aug/2000:04:00:52
Hi Lisa,
Great site.I am a fan for 17 years now.
Keep going this way Lisa.

Brenda M. Aiken My Page 27/Jun/2000:20:01:24
Hey Lis your site of course is great! I see there are just as many PY
fans as always. How are things with PY anyway?

Thorsten   25/Jun/2000:16:59:39
Hallo , grüsse auf diesem Weg , alle PY Fans.
habe durchs Internet viele PY Fans kennengelernt.
Gruß Thorsten
Jana   17/Jun/2000:02:46:28
I would wish for The Night of The Proms appearance for "video of the
I wait for a year now to get my hands on it.

Steve   23/May/2000:17:46:28
Antje Boesel: hast Du noch meine Mail Adresse? Dann melde Dich bitte bei
Steve, Dresden
Kumiko Sonoda   29/Apr/2000:08:09:09
Hi,PY Fans!today,I got 4 PY items.
"I'm gonna Tear...(special Extended Mix)"
"Wherever I Lay My Hat(Club Mix Versions)"Records.
And"Paul Young -&- The Q-tips Love Hurts(98)" "simply the Best(99)"CDs.
I'll try to collect PY goods...
Lisa PYFDB 21/Apr/2000:21:14:59
Hey Bee,

The new photo of PY was purchased by Maryline at the
Hard Rock cafe' in the UK I believe.
Personally, I wouldn't mind a poster of it myself! ha

Bee   17/Apr/2000:19:10:39
Hallo again Lis,
I like all the additions to your PYFDB, especially the new Paul Pic,
where can I get a copy?
visayang PAUL YOUNG TAIWAN HOMEPAGE 08/Apr/2000:20:47:05
HI everyone
Kumiko Sonoda   08/Apr/2000:06:39:53
Hello,all Paul Young Fans!nice to see you! Finally, I find this Paul
Young website!
I think that this web is very good! REALLY Good job!!
Well,about me. I'm Japanese 21years old big fan of P.Young.His songs
are very Exciting,Softly and give me energy...
That's why,I can't stop listening to his songs...!
Now,I have been seeking for his records in my country.Recentry,I found
Q-tips -&- Street band records.Paul Young is great singer!!
I'll never forget to support him.
Well,to fans,thanks for reading my comment,and so sorry my poor
Take care!!
Marjan   05/Apr/2000:15:28:02
I like to say a lot, but on-line it won`t come out of my mind...
Thanx for the nice pictures and information. I`m trying too listen to
the music that apperently is on the site, but i didn`t find out yet
Greetings from Holland

Lisa   25/Mar/2000:23:59:47
Thanks George. However I cannot imagine any picture of Da Man
looking bad Nooooooooooooooo!! ha
Looking forward to adding you to the data base

George An evening with Los Pacaminos 24/Mar/2000:13:55:59
Howdy Lisa!

Great site. I did have a picture of Paul -&- myself to send in but we
both looked terrible in it! So, when I get another one I will send it
in and add myself to your database.

keep up the good work

Brenda My Page 20/Mar/2000:15:51:44
I like your site!! Glad to see you have many pictures of fans up. I
will try and get a new one of me and update the information.
Colin Apps   14/Mar/2000:13:46:14
Keep up the good work - it's good to hear Paul singing live!
Christine Christine73 14/Mar/2000:13:39:14
Hello Lisa!!!! Great updates, you know I love to hear Paul sing! Keep
up the good work.
Brenda   11/Mar/2000:21:06:28
Nice update Lis!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
babette   26/Feb/2000:07:07:35
nice page!!!
i am a fan for 12 years!!!!!
paul is the greatest singerand he was me first love (i was 5)
NIKKIE   11/Feb/2000:13:53:05
I have been a fan since the year dot.... I am the same age as the man
hin self and have been to see him only 3 times in all those years but
each time was better than the last,cant wait for number 4.
the web site is brill nice to see great music still appreciated.
Martin Thomas   26/Jan/2000:14:33:23
Thanks, your website is great!!

Not as great as the man himself though.

See Ya


Bee   24/Jan/2000:20:51:39
Just passing through and yet again could not resist the temptation of
commenting on your terrific, totally cooooooooool PYFDB....say Lis, I
really think you should put your personal Paul message in here
somewheres, yes definately you are 'Da Best and 'Da Man knows it too!!!!
(no word yet btw...sorry)
Kim   20/Jan/2000:08:27:23
Hi Lisa!

Loooovvvveeee what you have done with the PYFBD site! It has really
come a long way from just a mere idea, hasn't it??!! Congrat's on it's
success....all your hard work shows!!! :)

With peace -&- love to you,
~ Kim
(AKA: "LiLDiva")
Chantal Leclercq   18/Jan/2000:07:27:32
Dear Lisa,

I just wanted to let you know that it is great to have people like you,
Sophie, Jana, Antje, George (and maybe I'm forgetting others ?) who
spend their precious time creating such a wonderful site.

Congratulations from Belgium on your PYFDB ! You can call it a "master-
piece" of the web !


Fiona   16/Jan/2000:18:20:15
I LOVE THIS WEB SITE AND THIS DATA BASE! I feel like I'm 15 again! I
never knew that so many people still love his music as much as I do!
Lisa PYFDB 13/Jan/2000:04:28:25
Hi All!

Please feel free to sign the guestbook with any thoughts you may have
regarding the PYFDB, Paul Young, etc.
