Join the Paul Young
Fan Data Base!
Please fill out the form
below with as much information as possible. You can reffer to the Bio's on the main page
for some ideas for your own page. Information like when you first heard Paul Young, what it meant
to you, your PY music collection, your family, etc.. is a great start. If you have a photo, please Email
it to me. I will get back to you very soon! *****Please note this is NOT a guest book. Only fill out
this form if you wish to have a page on the PYFDB****
What is your name?
Where are you from?
E-mail address?
Do you have a picture for your page?
What is your favorite Paul Young Album?
Please write what you would like to appear on your page here:
(e.g. When you first heard Paul Young, what it meant to you. Info about you, etc.)