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Sing the songs

Dear Artist, sing the Lodge song "Document Nr1".This song will raise your spirits and relieve your creative torment. There are no notes, improvise it freely with accompaniment of chorus.Finish the song with a devil laughting.



Nowadays art and the artists mostly analyse and pay attention to the problems of art preservation by given reasons that wars,time and unresponsible attitude to these problems annihilates art heritage; this heritage is becoming lesser and lesser, but here big question appears - what quality cultural heritage is; because biggest part of those "treasures" is simply insignificant trash; and wars, and especially time (majestic destroyer and cleaner) have annihilated 99,999% of those trash and not only trash, but many magnificent chef-d'ouvres as well. That is why sublime art-connosseurs are sinking in tears due to imaginary annihilated "treasures" and put much efforts to preserve what is left still. Well, owing to these people, those treasures else will live it up, but there inevitably will come a moment of death as well. So,the art people of these days take care about these problems, because in our time everybody is able to become an artist, whether all are able to create or are potential creators, even monkeys, children and mentally diseased create works of art and are appreciated for "spiritual purity" in their works; and all have a great desire to preserve every their artistic "shitting" (artwork). Nowadays the problem arises; i.e.the problem of art redundancy and also of artists superfluity in such big amount. So,there is more important task: how to destroy the large heaps of piled up superfluous art, but not how to preserve its. How to annihilate stacks of art,which poison people's life, make them loss their spirits and distort their perception about art. It is clear that culprits of all these things are the artists, who produced a quantity of that "product". But even the artists are not so much guilty, because they were influenced by the beautiful last time postmodern-relativistic-humanistic-pluralistic ideas, about inimitability of individual, about self-realisation, about being of creative power in every individual. Nowadays even treatment with art is using in psychotheraphycal practise. But really art doesn't have any curative power, but it is good in itself, or not good, maybe evil or something else itself or not itself, art affects the people , but not treats. So, many things mislead the society, many from people imagine themselves to be able to create, from here is such abundance of artists. In no one century there were so many artists like in our times, and also in no times there were so much art everywhere: in galleries,museums, in living places and public spaces, anywhere. From here was opened door for unhealthy concurrence between artists. Due to redundancy of art and artists there were turned up and superfluity of another things, for example, increased amount of people who are related to art (art critics, art philosophers, gallerists and another). That is why according to all these things, as it was already mentioned above, here arises such phenomenon like


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horror metaphysicus