
Sceptical memories brought her back to the pain she left when he walked out. This time she would not submit to the chain that had always held them. It strained her so much, that sometimes she'd feel her leg being drug away from her. She knew then that her attachment to him truly didn't mean a thing to him. When she found him in the evil one's car doing unmentionable deeds, she forgave him. When he went away out of town on business but had no plane ticket, only a matchbook from the scuzziest motel in the next town, she still forgave him. She will never forgive herself though.

Letting him walk out that last time drove her to the arms of every young man she knew untill one drove her to the hospital. Her stay was pleasantly filled with paper slippers and children's songs. She gained back twelve of the twenty pounds she lost. In her depression, it just never occured to her to eat or drink, and sleeping was something she only saw on television.

A smile makes its journey across her lips as she remembers the glorious pills they encouraged her to take. The little green ones gave her a floaty feeling that let her talk to angels and clouds.

There was a special cloud she conversed with that insisted his name was Harold. How she missed his headstrong views on politics. They'd argue untill they burst with laughter. Harold had a deep echoing laugh and cryed from the intensity. he made her forget the cruel humans she had put up with for so long. She hated when visiting hours were over, but Harold came as often as he could. He would never forget to tell her how much she brightened his life and his total existance.

Of course, she couldn't tell anyone about him. She lost contact with him after the hospital sent her home, but she'll never forget him. He made it possible for her to accept the faults of humans and to stop putting up with them. Still, she can't help but think she went crazy and made him up. Then she abolished the thought from her mind. After all, she was still alive while the man who broke her wasn't.