This is the page that I get to vent some steem at the world for all the things that piss me off.

My first complaint is tape. That is some really nasty stuff. I have no problem with staples or thumbtacks myself. I don't like sluts. Girls should not degrade themselves that way. I hate it when they're too stupid to use protection. Condoms are cheap and birth control pills are easy to obtain. I don't like ex-boyfriends too much either. It just ruins my mood when they get a really cool car after the dump me. I hate being dumped after I stay with a person for two years even though he cheated on me twice and lied all the time. I can't stand bad drivers. For all you out there that may pass me or drive too damn slow in front of me, you just wait. The gods have given me the special gift of taking all your souls. Trust me, you don't want to know what I do with the souls of bad drivers. I hate to be tickled. This dislike occured when my brother started tickling me untill I just couldn't breathe. Ever since then, I've had a horrible fear. That doesn't seem to deter boys though, they like to hear the little blonde girl yelp. I get really offended when people tell me my voice is erie. I happen to like my voice, and I don't find it spooky one bit. I cannot stand it when people come to me to cyber. I think the whole thing is retarded. I get on here to meet new people, not to see really bad descriptions of what a person "wants to do to me." How is that supposed to turn me on? I don't like people who walk really slow when they're in front of you. If it's a group, I hate it when they spread out so that it's impossible for you to pass them. I don't like close minded people. I can't conceive how people can believe one thing so strongly that they can't even repect an other person's ideas or motives. I really don't like the sun. I loathe the sun in fact. It makes me break out in freackles, and, c'mon, how gothic is that? I feel like I'm gunna melt if I'm in it. The worst is when I have to drive in it with the sun facing me. I hate bitches. It's one thing to be a bitch in attitude, but it's another to be one in lifestyle. People who show no compassion for others need to be beat. I hate seeing my friends keep getting hurt by girls that just keep leading them on! I also hate it when a boy leads me on for three months by saying he loves me, but doing nothing to prove it. I'm so tired of getting hurt. I'm sick of hurting....But see, I'm not hurting anymore. I'm all kinds of happy. I just want to kill this one person that fits most of the descriptions above. If she doesn't leave my poor boyfriend alone, I think someone will be missing a limb or tounge. If this person would so kindly remove themselves from our lives, then I'd be very happy. I also hate cranky boys when they just roll out of bed. That makes me so mad! I also don't like it when people don't know how to park! *grr* that bugs me