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Awards You Can Win!

sorry to disappoint you all, but the awards area will be closed for a while as a result of too much interest. sounds crazy, i know, but i can't keep up with the amount of requests for awards. sorry for the inconvenience!

These awards, unless specified, can go to any site, including non-SM sites.

helping hand award

This award is for people who help other, less knowledgable people with their sites. You cannot put in your own site; someone must nominate you for this award. i ask that you tell me what this person has done to deserve the award as well.

the keeping
 up with luna award

This award is for people who keep their sites updated regularly (at least every 2 weeks). This is a fairly easy award to win, but don't expect to get your award right away. I have to make that there are updates first! this award can also be by nomination, but it isn't necessary.

kreative kat award

This award is for any creative or unusual site ideas. if your site is something out of the ordinary, you can probably win this award.

the sailor 
senshi's manga award

This award is for any site which promotes manga of any sort, not just SM. however, i ask that no site with hentai or negativity apply for this award. thank you. actually, that's true for all the awards.

the kawaii 
neko-chan award for the furthering of moon cat awareness....quite a 
mouthful, ne? =^.~=

This award is for sites which have to do with the moon cats (luna, artemis, and diana). if you help to make others aware of the kitties, then this award is for you.

usagi and 
mamoru's award for a sweet site

This is for you if you have fun stuff, cute pics, and your site is just generally fun to visit.

the tuxedo 
kamen award for an amazing site

This is the most difficult to win. you're going to have to be really impressive to win this. i don't know what i'm looking for yet to win this award, but i may just decide to give it out if i think your site is better than the award you applied for.

the you rock

This award is for people who are new at making webpages. i know how hard it can be, so i figured you guys would like to have a shot at an award as well. i hope someone will be brave enough to apply for this award.

What is your site URL?

Which award are you applying for?

E-mail address?
