Cerridwen: A Celtic Moon Goddess
Like the title says, Cerridwen was a Celtic moon goddess, who also
ruled the mountains (and fertility, as so many moon godesses tend
to...and we know why, don't we girls?)
Anyway, she had a giant cauldron which contaned a magic brew
said to bring inspiraton and knowledge, made with magickal herbs. This
brew of Cerridwen's is ofter mentioned in the ancient stories and
myths. she is another of the goddesses favoured by witches,
personifying the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess.
OK, admittedly i don't know THAT much about cerridwen. so if
anyone who reads this knows more than i do (about this or any other
moon goddess),
e-mail me and let me know. after all, it's not like i don't give
you guys enough chances for interaction!! =^.^= ;)
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