Diana ws a Roman goddess of the moon, equivalent to the Greek
Artemis. She lived in
the forest (an apt place for the goddess of the hunt), and was the
protectress of the wild beasts, as well as the patron goddess of
virgins. In addition (I can't figure this one out, unless Diana was
the prototype for the Virgin Mary), she was the mother of the Wiccan
goddess Aradia. Diana is worshipped by witches as well, and is one of
their most revered goddesses.
She personifies the moon's positive attributes, and is a role
model to many young witches for her role as a strong, independent
female with high self-esteem and aggressiveness. In certain Wiccan
ceremonies, Diana's name is invoked to bring protection and nurturing.
There is even a branch of Wicca, called the Dianic tradition, that
worship Diana as their principal goddess.
Oh! Something I forgot to mention before.....the goddess Diana also had a moon on her forehead, just like our beloved Moon Kitties. So maybe that's where Naoko got her inspiration... =^.^=