March 2nd, 1999: i just want to say thank you for making the site (what i would consider to be) a success! over 1000 hits ^.^...keep it up! but if you wouldn't mind too terribly much, would you please sign the guestbook? from now on, i'm gonna make a special deal with you guys....if you have a website and you mention it in the guestbook, i'll put you on a special page all your own and hopefully your page will get some hits! :)
March 15th, 1999: hi everyone! as you have probably noticed, there are
a couple new additions around here...namely, the e-mail addy
(completely free and actually quite nice to use...i checked it out
myself this morning) and the Church of Kino Makoto, which isn't really
up and running yet, but i had to link it cuz the button was already
made. couldn't have a button go to waste, could we?
i got the concept for the church from (surprise surprise)
The Church of
Tsukino Usagi. i think it's a good thing to have respect for all
characters. ^.^ even though mako-chan is my favourite doesn't mean i
don't like the others. after all, i'm quite fond of usagi-chan as well
...she reminds me of myself. after all, everyone always tells me i act
blonde...*lol* j/k!!!!!
anyway, i hope you guys like the new changes, and hopefully mako's
church will be up and running soon. ok? ja ne!!
March 24th,1999: just a quick note to say that there may not be much updating for the next few weeks as a) exams are coming up soon and i need to study, and b) my family is switching ISPs and we won't have internet. this does not necessarily mean i won't get my e-mail... the school has internet access, so if i need to, i can (and will!!) check it there. i just wanted to say not to expect anything new for a little while. this does NOT mean LMW has been abandoned....just that life is a little busy right now. thanks! ^.^