i recently i went to darwin to visit a brother and two sister i hadn't seen in ten years. as i was leaving, i was given a little stuffed bear. i named him Fuzzy, and this is his story................
fuzzy was
a happy bear, but he had a bad habit of finding himself in trouble with
the local tribe of pygmy's. after a particularly violent argument
between myself and the pigmies over land rights in my bedroom, the pygmies
took fuzzy hostage with the intent to sacrifice him to the great god of
Lard ( my cat, misha, the one who makes garfield look slim) in the
hopes of gaining independence
a u.n. delegation visited my room to forge a peace agreement between
myself and
the pygmies, who now call themselves the pygmy liberationist front of Mandi's
room. Fuzzy was released on the agreement that i leave pizza out once a
week and apologize for treading on the chief's daughter and crippling her.
to be continued.........