Thank you DOC for all of your
graphics that you have let the OPERATION JUST CAUSE
The Real Unknown Soliders Written By© Peggy Nelson I believe this is a true statement that I made into a Poem!!Please read and think about it!!!! 2,022 Americans remain MIA from the Vietnam War We question the number as each month it sores Identifications have been disputed and rejected by family members Names remain on a list forever, but does anyone care or remember? How widespred is the practice of identifying men without remains How could the Dept of Defense put families through all their pains? Today they send a coffin to a family with two armed guards Guarding the coffin in the grave yard Instructed not to let ANY one touch the contents of the coffin Think about this and think about it often! Is there really someone inside or is it full of bricks? Has the Dept of Defense been questioned and have some conflicts? A coffin is opened, a Mother cries and embrasses her dead child? As one tear runs down a guards face, the other ARMED guard pulls the Mother away as morners look on and become wild Although she doesn't think so, she is lead to believe that it is her son This would be the last time she could touch her son, she felt was number one! As the guns are fired One more unknown solider is laid in the ground The Dept of Defence say that they are right and that is sound! |
The following pages are for my adopted POW/MIAs Michael Louis Laporte(click on name and go directly to Michaels synopsis) who served in the Navy in Vietnam, when reported missing in action on September 5, 1967. Michael along with several POWS/MIAS Risked their lifes for YOU and I.
I am dedicating is page to Michael's family and to all the men and women who have served and are serving in the Navy. My personal dedication is to my father Robert D. Nelson who served in the Navy for 20 years and fought in world war two.
James Leslie Moreland who served in the Army during the Vietnam War, when reported Missing In Action on February 07, 1968.
I am dedicating James morelands page for his Family, all the men and women who served and are serving in the army. My personal dedication is for my brother James Nelson who also fought in the Vietnam War. My father Robert D. Nelson and To My Two Sons, Roger E. Hunt and Ryan P. Hunt *Ryan has now completed his tour in Bosnia March,2000*...God be with you always Sons.
James Louis Carter who was serving in the Air Force when reported Missing In Action on February 03, 1966.
James Carters page is dedicated for his family. All the men and women that served and are serving in the Air Force. My personal dedication is to my brother Robert A. Nelson.
Clarence Nesbit Driver who was a Civilian/Air America, was reported missing on March 07, 1973. As noted in Clarences synopsis he was born March 07, 1922, that would make this man 77 years old this year. We need to bring this man home and let him live the rest of his life out with his adoring Daughter and family.
Clarence Nesbit Drivers page is dedicated for his family. And all the civilians that did not partake in the war, but was praying for everyone that was sent to the Vietnam War. This is also dedication to the Americans that left their Country as cowards and let their fellow men do their fighting for them.
My personal dedication is for YOU!
Adopt A POW/MIA and make his or her web page.
There are 3,531 men and women still left behind in Vietman. As more information comes in the total POWS/MIAS keep rising, this is outragous after all these years they are finding more POWS/MIAs.
Lets bring these men and women HOME to their country that they proudly took the otah to serve and protect the United States of America. How much longer should we TURN OUR BACKS on these AMERICANS. We must get involved in a "Just Cause" and bring them home NOW!!!!
Take some time out of your life to help these men and women that fought for YOU and I. It is a very rewarding one, WE can now fight for their freedom. The only way that we will beable to bring these men and women home is to be their voices. Write letters to your Congressmen, Senators, The President of the United States and the Vice President. Please see the links below, it will guide you to all the information that you will need, If you have a web site adopted a POW/MIA and do a page for them.
Added to my link page are some of my favorite sites from the "OJC Ring" they are interesting and informative sites. Please read them it will surely open your eyes to what has been said and done for our POW/MIAS over the last 30+ years. If you are a student and studying the Vietnam war your best bet is to use the OJC Ring and go to each site, some sites or more detailed than others.
Thank you Jason Bachman for donating this graphic.
About 1 year ago, I was surfing the net and ran across a poem that touched my heart and brought back the memories of the Vietnam War. this poem is the inspiration that made me check out the ring of "OPERATION JUST CAUSE". Displayed below is that poem. I would like to give my wishes and thanks to "POOKIE" for this beautiful poem.
Thank you Joni for the use of this beautiful graphic. |
~~NO I WILL NOT FORGET that while I was a freshman in High School living a care free life,YOU were in a foreign land fighting for freedom.~~
~~NO I WILL NOT FORGET that while I had a warm bed to sleep in, having dreams of my future,YOU were far from home in a strange land fighting for the future.~~
~~NO I WILL NOT FORGET that while I was laughing and making everlasting memories with my friends, YOU were in despair and were hoping that the vision's of the day's battle would not be everlasting memories.~~
~~NO I WILL NOT FORGET that almost three decades later I still have a warm bed to sleep in, still having dreams of my future and YOU are STILL in a far away land with no future NO I WILL NOT FORGET.~~
This Operation Just Cause Web Ring site is owned by Peggy Nelson |
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