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Below are several obituaries that pertain to my family lines. I have transcribed these obituaries the exact way they were printed in the newspapers, so names may be spelled incorrectly. Maybe they will hold some clues for you, as they have for me.



Copied from The Independent Record, Helena, Montana, Thursday, February 2, 1950.

Charles P. Reynolds, Resident Here for 76 Years, Dies.

Charles Petersen Reynolds 76, lifelong resident of Helena and vicinity and a member of a pioneer Montana family, died late last night at St. John's hospital after a short illness.

Mr. Reynolds had resided at 553 Spencer for the past five years. For many years, before his health began to fail, he had lived on a ranch in the Beaver Creek valley 20 miles east of here.

He was born in that area Nov. 17, 1873. He was a member of the Helena 25 Year Pioneer club.

Survivors include his widow, the former Docie Beaver of Dillon. They were married here Feb. 15, 1903.

Other survivors are two sons, Ivan of 538 South Davis and Raymond of Winston: two daughters, Pearl DeWitt of Winston and Hazel Kays of Richmond,Calif.: four grandchildren, Alta Armorgast and Noreen Reynolds, both of Winston, and Lee and Susan Reynolds, both of 538 South Davis.

A sister, Julia Albright, 1110 Peosta: four nieces, Leola Hoffeditz of Ogema, Wis., Clella Zavada, Fargo, N.D., Viloet LaRock, 1500 Madison, and Evelyn Morgan, 1110 Peosta and two nephews, Albert A. Albright of Winston and Edward J. Albright of Boise, Idaho.

Funeral services will be conducted at 3:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Opp-Conrad-Retz chapel by the Rev. H.M. Waldron of the First Christian church. Burial in Forestvale cemetery.

Copied from The Independent Record, Saturday, Nov. 19, 1955

DOCIE REYNOLDS Passes; Rites Planned Monday

Funeral services for Mrs. Docie Beaver Reynolds, 73, of 553 Spencer, who died Friday morning at St. John's hospital, will be held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Retz funeral home chapel with the Rev. John W. Bartman officiating. Interment will be in Forestvale cemetery.

Born Jan. 30, 1882 in Odell, Neb., Mrs. Reynolds moved with her family to the Big Hole Basin country near Dillon while still a young girl and married Charles P. Reynolds Feb. 15, 1905 in Helena. Her husband died Feb. 1, 1950, in Helena.

The couple lived on a ranch on Beaver Creek near Winston until 1941, when they moved to Helena. Mrs. Reynolds was an active member of the Methodist church.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Pearl DeWitt of Winston and Mrs.Hazel Clayton of San Pablo, Calif.; a son, Ray Reynolds of Winston; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Dean Reynolds of Helena; a brother, Adelbert Beaver of Boise, Idaho; a sister, Mrs. Grace Delp of Boise; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Julia Albright of Helena; five grandchildren, Alta DeWitt Potterf, Norene Reynolds Trarbach, and Lee, Susan and David Reynolds, all of Helena; three great grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

Retz funeral home is in charge of arrangements.


The Helena Daily Independent, Monday June 17, 1940:

J.H. Sampson, 73 Passes yesterday at St. John's Hospital:

James H. Sampson, 73, well known resident of the Helena district, died yesterday afternoon at St. Jphn's Hospital following a short illness. Mr. Sampson was born in Cornwall, England, in 1867 and came to the United States about 60 years ago. For a time he resided at Unionville, then lived at Marysville where he was employed by the Drum Lummon Mining company from 1885 to 1900. For the past 40 years he has been engaged in ranching at Canyon Creek. He was a member of Woodman of the World. Surviving relatives include a son and daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Sampson; two grandsons, Clifford and Kenneth Sampson and two daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Magnus and Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Reynolds. Clara Sincox Sampson, wife of the deceased, died September 30, 1930. Opp & Conrad are in charge of funeral arrangements.

**The above date of death for his wife is not correct. She died September 14, 1930.**


The Independent Record Sept 16, 1930

Sampson Funeral to be held today at 2:00;

Last rites for Mrs. James H. Sampson of Canyon Creek and Helena, who passed away at St. Peter's Hospital Sunday, will be held this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Services will be conducted by Rev. Sidney D. Hooker, a friend of the family for many years and Rev. Henry H. Daniels, rector. Burial will be at Forestvale. The pallbearers will be; Tom Sillers, W.R. Church, Charles Nolan, James Best, Edward H. Gallican and Mark Heaney. Opp & Conrad are in charge.


Copied from the Helena Daily Independent, Saturday, January 4, 1930


Funeral services for Mrs. William Sampson, 87, who died yesterday morning at St. Peter's hospital as the result of a paralytic stroke, will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon in St. Peter's Episcopal church. Burial will be in Forestvale cemetery.

Mrs. Sampson had been a resident of Montana since 1875. She conducted a boarding house in Marysville for more than 40 years. She had been affiliated with the Episcopal church for 70 years and was a member of the Order of Eastern Star.

Born in Cornwall, England, she was married to William Sampson in that country in 1865. The couple came to this country in 1873 and lived in New York for two years before coming west.

Surviving relatives are J.H. Sampson of Helena, Mrs. J.A. B. Carbis of Canyon Creek, and a brother, W.O.R. Davies of Winston. In addition there are six grandchildren, two great grandchildren and several nephews. Opp and Conrad are in charge of funeral arrangements.

To see photo's of the Sampson graves, look for the link at the bottom of this page.


Copy of Peter's obituary from June 1, 1876. Lewis & Clark Co., Historical Society.

Death of Peter Peterson Brief sketch of his life.

From an old friend of the late Peter Peterson we are indebted for the following brief sketch of his life:

Mr. Peterson was born in the Schleswig Province, then a portion of Denmark. At an early age, a mere youth, he came to America, and after remaining a short time in one of the Eastern States started for California. There he became largely interested in the river mines of Placer and other counties and at one time kept a store and hotel in Greenwood Valley. When the Reese river country was struck, he was one of the first there and became identified with the then new town of Austin, and was engaged in many enterprises up to May 1866, at which time he left for Montana. His idea in coming to this territory, was to purchase, with others, an interest in the (what proved to be) very rich diggings of Montana Bar at Diamond. Wm. Bowman, a Mr. Young and Mr. Slossen, the last named then being the Mayor of Austin comprised the company desirous of purchasing. The owners of the claim refused to sell after they ascertained that the ground was rich, and Mr. Peterson went to Indian Creek and invested there. The following spring he sold out and with Mr. Hamlin purchased ground in McClellan and Madison Gulches.Disposing of his interests in these places, he purchased ground in Clarkston, on Ten Mile and also the old John Day Diggins in Basin Gulch, the last named being the place where he met with the accident which resulted in his death. Mr. Peterson owned at the time of his decease, the well known hotel on Beaver Creek, on the Bozeman road besides being interested in property in this city. Deceased was a young man of remarkable energy, a devoted husband, kind father and a warm friend. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss.


There are 2 obituaries for Julia Ann Bramley-Shannon:

Original Copy of Obituary reads as follows:


Julian Ann Shannon, 74, died at her home near Clearwater early Sunday. She came to Clearwater from Illinois in 1884 and for 44 years lived on the farm where she died. She is survived by her husband, James A.: two daughters, Mrs. Hattie Jane Jolley, Oklahoma City and Mrs. Ella Mae Clemmons, Wichita; Ellsworth E., Clearwater; and Glen, Mt. Pleasant, Ia; and three sisters, Louise Moorehead, Mrs. T.E. Walters, and Mrs. M. Van Swearingen, all od Illinois. Funeral services will be held in the Clearwater Methodist Episcopal church today at 2 p.m. Rev. E.A. Nossaman will officiate. Burial will be in Cleawater cemetery. Pallbearers will be Frank Mitchell, Pete Schauff, Gus leichhardt, W. McLaughlin, N.B. Smith, Worth Chambers.

Here is the 2nd obituary for Julia Ann Bramley-Shannon:

The Clearwater News:


The community was saddened on Sunday of this week when it became known that Mrs. J.A. Shannon had passed away. She had been in town Wednesday, and alto a few months ago she had suffered a stroke, she recovered from that and was able to be about again. Thursday morning she had another stroke, it being fatal. She passed away on Saturday night. The funeral was held from the Methodist church in Clearwater on Monday afternoon, the Rev. E.A. Nossaman officiating. Burial was made in the Clearwater cemetery. Mrs. Shannon was one of those women of character who leave their mark on all who come into contact with them. Her friendship, while given freely, was no less valuable because of its munificense. The entire community mourns her passing.

The obituary as read by Mr. Nossaman follows:

Julian Ann Brawley (Bramley) was born in Indiana, March 4, 1854, and died at her home near Clearwater, May 19, 1928, age 74 years, 2 months, and 15 days. Growing to young womanhood in her native state, later moving to Illinois she was married to James A. Shannon, Nov. 18, 1875, to which union five children were born; three sons, Harry W. Wichita, Kans; Guy Ellsworth, Clearwater; Glen W., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; and two daughters, Mrs. Hattie Jane Jolley, Oklahoma City and Ella May Clemons, Wichita. All of these together with her husband with whom she had walked for more than half a century down life's highway hand in hand, remain to experience the desolating blight of death. Besides these members ofher immediate household, Mrs. Shannon leaves four sisters, all living in Ill. and friends without number who must shaare in the sorrow of this sad and tragic hour. In the year 1844, the deceased with her husband came to the new west, taking up the homestead in Sedgwick County where for 44 years they made their home until God called her to that eternal home beyond the border land of worlds. In the early years of her life Mrs. Shannon realized no life could be perfect or complete that ignored its proper relationship to Him, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, so yielding herself to the Will of Him who ever leadeth aright, she experienced the deep settled peace that comes through a life that is transformed by divine power. Upon her conversion she joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, remaining a member of the same till God transferred her membership to the church triumpant. To Mrs. Shannon her religious life was one of serene enjoyment in the quietude of her own home. Within its walls she moved with such beauty and grace, reigning with such a spirit of love and devotion that it is no wonder the children, father and husband rise up and call her thrice blessed, for she has left unto them the richest heritage of life, the fond memory of a life given in loving, sacraficial service for others. About a year ago Mrs. Shannon suffered a paralytic stroke from the effects of which she never completely recovered, although she was able to be up and about the home for the greater part of the time, until a few days ago, however, a recurring stroke lay her low upon her bed and it became evident to loved ones and all that watched beside her that the end was near. In spite of the physician's skill and the tender ministrations of loving hands she slipped out into the shadows and the veil that separates time from eternity obscured her from our vision till we shall meet her again on the shores celestial where storms are unknown and sickness and death never come. Companion, beloved, through each passing year, we've journeyed together in joy or fear, Now, at last thy race is run, Thy day is o'er, thy work is done. There's a lonely pathway, lying just ahead. Days of longing and hours of dread, for we'll miss thy voice, thy words of cheer. We'll sigh in vain to bring thee near. Our eyes are wet with bitter tears, but out of the storehouse of bygone years, memory brings treasures as rich as gold. Of passing joys the years unfold. We'll cherish these till fading light, brings round about us shades of night, and then when earthly tasks are o'er, we'll dwell with thee forever more.

From The Clearwater News, Sedgwick County Kansas, March 23, 1933:


JAMES E. SHANNON Services Conducted From M. E. Church Last Sunday Afternoon:

James Alexander Shannon, son of James and Jane McHeleney Shannon, was born in londonderry, Ireland April 17, 1852. When he was 14 years of age the family came to America settling in the state of Illinois. When James was baout twenty years of age, he and two other young men came west into Kansas where he homesteaded what later became the family home and one of the finely developed and improved farms of the community. After a few years spent in the fundamental work of the homestead, Mr. Shannon returned to Illinois and on November 17, 1875 was united in marriage with Julia Bramley of Galesburg, in that same state. About nine years later Mr. and Mrs. Shannon returned to Kansas and to the homestead for a permanent residence. The finely developed farm, the fellowship of neighbors and the high regard in which they were held, testify to the success of these years of pilgrimage. Mrs. Shannon passed away in 1928 and the following spring Mr. Shannon came to Clearwater, residing with his son and family until the time of his death. Mr. Shannon was the father of six children, one dying in infancy. The others, Mrs. W.T. Clemens of Wichita, Mrs. J.H. Jolly of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, H.W. Shannon of Wichita, Glen of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa and G.E. of Clearwater survive him. Funeral services were held in the Methodist Episcopal building Sunday afternoon, conducted by A.P. Sherman with Rev. Bookless assisting. The body was laid to rest beside that of his wife in the Clearwater cemetery. Mr. Shannon was eighty-one years of age.



Ellen Kevern Sincox died at her home on Benton Ave. E., Sunday morning February 23, 1936 after an illness of a few days. She was born at Galena, IL. and her childhood days were spent there. She was united in marriage in Galena to Edwin Sincock April 27, 1859. They moved to Foster and lived there 18 years. 8 sons and 7 daughters were born of the union. She was preceded in death by her husband. Survivors invlude Mrs. C.E. Ades of Centerville, Mrs. Ray Randall of Ottumwa, Mrs. Edward Lewis of Des Moines, Mrs. E.E. Mayne of Galena, Tom, Frank, and Grant of Albia. One sister Mrs. Sarah Doty of Princeton, IA., one brother William Kevern of Princeton. 15 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. Early in life she joined the Methodist church and was an earnest and constant follower. Rev. W.R. Keesey officiating, the text was Isaiah 64.6 "we all fade as a leaf". Mrs. Karl Shaves and Mrs. Clifford Speaks sang two gospel songs with Mrs. Nels Peterson at the piano. Interment at Oakview Cemetery, Albia, IA.


ALBIA, IOWA obituary:

Edwin Sincox was born in Cornwall, England, on January 21, 1835. At the age of fifteen years he came with his parents to America and settled in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, where he grew to manhood and where on April 26, 1859 he was married to Ellen Kevern, to which union were born fifteen children, eight boys and seven girls, of whom twelve are living. Edwin C., of Foster, Iowa, Laura Jane of Sherrwood, Illinois, Grant of Foster, Wesley of Foster, Mrs. Eva Main of Galena, Illinois, Walter who died in Montana on Christmas eve 1913., Mrs. Etta Crowell of Helena, Montana, Mrs. Clara Sampson of Canyon Creek, Montana, Mrs. Cora Ades, of Boone, Iowa, Thomas of Foster, Albert, who died at Foster in 1898, Mrs. Maude Ades of Foster and Mrs. Bertha Packwood of Ottumwa, Iowa. All the living children except Mrs. Crowell and Mrs. Sampson were present at the funeral.

Mr. Sincox removed from Illinois to Iowa about twenty-one years ago, and settled at Foster where he lived until Sunday night, January 18, 1914, when he passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.H. Ades, after a brief illness of paralysis, at the age of 78 years, 11 months, and 28 days. Survived by the widowed wife, one sister, Mrs. Mary Ann Perrin of Chicago, twelve children, seventeen grandchildren, besides a host of friends who mourn his departure.

Mr. Sincox was an honest and industrious man, a patriotic citizen, a good neighbor and a true friend and will be greatly missed in the community in which he lived. While he never united with any church, he was in his younger days more or less active in church work. He was a firm believer in God, and had recently been heard to express himself as ready to go to meet his maker.

Funeral services were conducted in the Baptist church at Foster, Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, January 21, 1914, by Rev. J. Stanley Decker, pastor of the Methosdist Episcopal church of Moravia, Iowa. Interment in the Foster cemetery, the six surviving sons of the deceased acting as pallbearers.

ETTA MAY SINCOX-Crowell and her husband Albert Crowell:

These next two obituaries are sad ones, as Etta May's husband, Albert Crowell died on Septemebr 16, 1931 of a heart complications. His obituary came out in the paper the next day. His wife Etta May must have been overcome with dispair and grief, as she committed suicide that very day, by a drug overdose. Albert was to be buried the next day, but the family decided to have a double funeral for Albert and Etta May. The obituaries read as follow:

Albert Crowell born in Helena Expires:

Albert M. Crowell, age 58, a native of Helena, born August 9, 1873 died at this home, 213 South Ewing street, early yesterday morning, the result of a heart ailment, complicated with hardening of the arteries. He had been ill about ten days. Mr. Crowell was born here, the son of Joseph W. Crowell Sr. a 91 year old Civil War Veteran and Mrs. Crowell, 85, who reside at 1109 Broadway. For a number of years, he was engaged in distributing products of manufacturers, and for the past seven years has conducted a grocery at 105 South Main Street. He married 39 years ago. In addition to his parents, Mr. Crowell is survived by his widow, Mrs. Etta May Crowell; two brothers, Joseph W. Crowell Jr., and George Crowell; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Brothers and Mrs. Jacob Linder, all living in Helena. The body is at the mortuary of Opp and Conrad. The funeral will take place from the chapel tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. W.M. Ewing of St. Paul's M.E. Church officiating. Burial will be in Benton Avenue Cemetery.


Death for the second time within three days visited the Crowell home at 213 South Ewing street, yesterday morning and called Mrs. Etta May Crowell, 57, widow of Albert M. Crowell, 58, who died last Wednesday. Mrs. Crowell was ill only a few hours. The funeral of Mr. Crowell had been arranged for 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Opp and Conrad's chapel. It was decided by the family that there should be a double funeral which was held at the hour named. Rev. W.M. Ewing of St. Paul's M.E. Church officiated. Internment of Mr. and Mrs. Crowell was in Forestvale Cemetery. Mrs. Crowell was born Etta May Sinnock (Sincox) in April 1874, in Illinois and with her parents came to Montana when a child, settling in Marysville. In 1892 she was married to Albert Crowell. She is survived by her mother and two sisters who reside in Illinois, by several brothers living in middle western states, and by her husband's relatives here.


Edwin Charles Sincox was born in East Galena, Illinois, June 12, 1860 and died in Tama, Iowa, October 24, 1927. September 30, 1886, he was united in marriage to Nettie Hocking of Schullsburg, Wisconsin. To this union were born five children, one daughter, Viola Pearl preceding him in death in infancy. Mr Sincox was a devoted and loyal member of the First Methodist Church of Albia, identifying himself through the years with the highest interests of the community and the church. He was also a member of the Masonic Fraternity. For a number of years he had been in failing health, but his condition was not considered immediately serious. Just a little while before his death, he journeyed to Tama, Iowa, where he spent a few weeks visiting his son, who is in business there. But it was on this visit that death over- took him. He is survived by his aged mother, Mrs. Ellen Sincox of Albia; Russell Sincox of Aurora, IL.; Mrs. Oscar Carlson of Des Moines, Iowa; and Harry Sincox of Tama, Iowa; six sisters;, Mrs. Ettie Crowell and Mrs. Clara Sampson, both residing the in the state of Montana; Mrs. Eva Mayne of Galena, Illinois; Mrs. Cora Ades and Mrs. Maude Ades, both of Albia; Mrs. Bertha Lewis of Des Moines, Iowa; four brothers, Tom, Grant, and Frank Sincox , all of Albia; and Elmer Sincox of Sherrard, Illinois; nine grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.


HEART FAILS, SINCOX FALLS IN OPEN WELL Stricken with an acute attack of heart disease, Elmer Sincox, 68 years old, former supervisor from Richland Grove township and a one time one of the leading financial business men of the Sherrard community, plunged into an open well while drawing water at his home one-half mile east of Sherrard yesterday morning. His body was found floating on the water after a search was started by Mrs. Sincox, who became worried at his continued absence. He had moved to the farm, known as the old Engle place, March 1 and had lived in Sherrard and Cable for 40 years with the exception of two years in Moline, before moving to the farm. Mr. Sincox had been in ill health for several years and had left the house to do the farm chores at about 7 a.m. His wife became worried when James Scholfield of Sherrard, a son-in-law arrived to do some carpenter work about which Mr. Sincox had spoken to him. Dewey Wilson and Otto Hugart were called and a search started. Mr. Sincox pail was found at the side of the well, which is covered with boards and had no curb. The boards had been pulled away and the body could be seen floating in the well. Dr. C.M. Murtell of Sherrard was called and death was due to an acute attack of myocarditis. The body was removed to Dewey Wilson home where an inquest was held. Mr. Sincox was born Feb. 1, 1863 at Galena, Illinois, and was married to Miss Anna Bell at Cable, IL, April 9, 1891. Surviving are two daughters, Miss Gladys Sincox of Rock Island, and Mrs. Dewey Wilson of Sherrard and one grandchild Thelma Wilson. A niece, Mrs. Anne Sayre of Berwyn aslo formerly made her home with the family. Four sisters are also surviving, Mrs. Elmer Mayne of Galena; Mrs Charles Ades, Mrs. Frank Ades, and Bertha Lewis of Albia, Iowa, and three brothers, Frank and Thomas of Butte, Montana; and Grant Sincox of Albia, Iowa. Funeral services will be held at the home near Sherrard at 2 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday with Rev. C. A. Litchfield, pastor of the Sherrard Community Church officiating. Interment will be in the Sherrard Cemetery.


GRANT SINCOX, 78 years, two months and 28 days old; died at his home in Albia after a long illness. He was born in 1864 in Galena, Illinois , the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sincox. After his marriage to Sadie Temperly on September 8, 1891 they moved to Ball Butte Montana, where he was engaged in mining gold. Two years later they moved back to Galena. He moved to Foster and worked in the mines for seven years. He took up farming and lived three miles northeast of Moravia from 1912 to 1941, then moved to Albia. He is survived by his wife and two children, Mrs. Herman Johnson of Blakesburg, and E.G. Sincox of Albia, and four grandchildren.


SINCOX :John Wesley, son of Edwin & Ellen Sincox was born Jo Daviess Co., Ill. April 19, 1866, and died from a fall of slate at Buxton 19, soon after beginning work Saturday morning, July 9, 1921. When a young man he went to Montana with his brother Charles for eight years. Family came to Iowa, and he came here 4 years ago to join them. He was unmarried, one of 15 children, of whom one died infancy; two other brothers deceased, one in a mine accident and another in an elevator accident. He is survived by his mother, brothers, Charles Sincox of Albia; Elmer Sincox of Sherrard Ill.; sisters Mrs Eva Main , Galena, Ill.; Mrs.Etta Crowell, Helena, Montana; Grant Sincox, Monroe Co. Iowa; Mrs. Cora Ades & Mrs. Maude Ades, Albia; Frank Sincox of Buxton & Mrs. Bertha Lewis of Lovilla. Buried OakView Cem.


Mrs. Eva L. Mayne passed away at 11 p.m. Friday at her home 502 Hill street. Although he health has beem impaired for some time, her passing was unexpected. Miss Eva L. Sincock, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sincox was born Guilford townshop Oct 23, 1867. She spent the greater part of her life in Guilford township. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Galena. Mr. & Mrs. Mayne have resided in Galena for the past 20 years. She leaves to mourn her death her husband, 3 sisters, Mrs. Chas. Ades, Knoxville, Ia.; Mrs. Ray Randall, Ottumwa, Ia.; Mrs. Ed Lewis, Des Moines, Ia.; three brothers, Grant Sincox, Albia Ia.; Thomas and Frank of Knoxvile, Ia. Also a number of nieces and nephews. The remains will be at the family home on Hill street until Monday nooon at which time the body will be taken to the Bertsch Funeral Home where services will be held at 2 p.m. Interment in Greenwood Cemetery.


Mrs. Cora Ades, 88, of 514 Chester avenue, died at 5:50 a.m.m today at the Ideal Rest home, 309 Richmond avenue. The daughter of Edwin and Ellen Kevern Sincox, she was born November 20 1874 at Galena, Ill. She resided in Otumwa for 11 years. Mrs. Ades was married May 20 1896 in Monroe Co. to Charles E. Ades. She was a member of th Methodist church at Galena, and of the Order of Eastern Star at Bussey. Survivors include a son, Harold C. Ades, Ottumwa; three grandsons, Harold C. Ades Jr. Yuma, Ariz. and Delton R. Ades, Denver Colo; seven great-grandchildren, and a sister Mrs. Ray Randall , Ottumwa. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles E Ades, on August 12, 1947. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Johnson funeral chapel, conducted by the Rev. William D. Scott of the Finley Avenue Baptist church. Burial will be in Shaul cemetery.


Thomas Sincox did at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Archie Dixon in Knoxville, Wednesday morning, July 1, following a stroke. He was 77 years old. The deceased was born in Ill., September 8 1876, one of a family of 15 children of Edwin and Ellen Sincox. In 1901 the deceased moved to Foster, nine miles south of Albia. At that time and for many years theeafter he worked in and around the mines here in Iowa. Thomas never married, but provided a home for his aged mother until her death about 18 years ago. He suffered the loss of one of his limbs, in a mine accident about 31 years ago, but adjusted so well to this handicap that many of his friends did not know of his misfortune. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Bertha Lewis of Des Moines, Ia., Mrs. Cora Ades and Mrs. Maude Randol of Ottumwa, Ia. Funeral services were held from the Lewis funeral home in Albia, last Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by John Caswell, of Knoxville, and burial was made in Albia cemetery.


A TRAGIC DEATH. Foster, Iowa Sept 12 1898 Killed in the mines here today betwen nine and ten o'clock Bert Sincox, the youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Sincox, aged 18 years. On the fatal morning the writer and the deceased decended the shaft on the the same cage, on getting to the bottom we prepared our lights and started out for our places of work, walked along together for half a mile more and on getting to the entry known as the I enty we seperated, on our departure we said, well Bud take care of yourself. He answered back, same to you Uncle Dick. On getting to his room it was found his shit from the night before had failed to bring the coal out, being short of powder he loaded his empty car with coal and took his pick and commences mining it loose from the top. He had worked a short time when the slate fell with a crash and caught him breaking his neck, his pick was by his side when found. His three brothers,Charles, Wesley, and Frank were working in the three adjoining rooms on the same entry. On the regular round the driver come after his car and Frank met him at the mouth of his room and said, I guess Bert is in there although I haven't heard him for some time. I have called him two or three times but he had failed to answer. The driver went in the room but saw no light as it had went out to burn no more. On looking around he saw the slate on the bottom and commenced looking for the deceased but failed to find him, went back the second time with the same result and started away but was confident he was there as no one had seen him go out. The third time after a vigorous search he saw one knee and hand under the slate which was estimated to with a ton. He raised the alarm and his brothers and others nearby came in when his brother Charles put his arm around the slate and felt him and said, he is dead we can't help him. The deceased come here with his parents from Galena, Ill., a few years ago. Bert and Frank were the only two boys at home out of a large family, as the rest have grown up and are doing for themselves. On this fated morning he told his mother not to prepare his bucket as he would be home at noon, and at 11a.m. he was brought home a corpse. At 12 noon Monday the United Mine Workers of America, forty in number left the city on Main and marched to the residence and took charge of the funeral. The funeral sermon was given by the Rev WA Whitlock at the Baptist Church. The largest crowd ever seen followed the remains to Hickenlooper Cem. near town where the laid to rest. The floral tribute by the ladies was grand to behold.


Maude Augusta Sincox was married to John Henry Ades and had two daughters. Thelma M. b. October 8, 1901 in Albia Ia and died April 3 , 1986. She was married to Clifford Williams in Albia March 6, 1901. She is survived by three daughters, Adrienne Schoepp; Marcella Peterson and Betty McKinley. Both are buried in Memorial Lawn Cemetery. Irene Ades B. 1905 in Albia Ia, married George Myers who died March 31 1966 and is buried in Memorial Lawn Cemetery. Maude married Ray A. Randall March 17, 1930 in Lancaster MO. He died November 23, 1974 buried Memorial Lawn. Maude A. Randall 92, of 51 W. Finley died Thurday at 12:02 p.m. at St. Joseph Hospital. Born April 17, 1883 at Galena, Ill. to Edwin and Ellen Kevern Sincox, she had lived in Ottumwa for more than 45 years and was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church. Husband Ray A. Randall died in 1974. Services will be Saturday at 1:30 at Johnson Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Billy Poole officiating. Burial will be at Memorial Lawn.


Bertha Sincox Lewis former resident of Monroe Co. died December 4, 1957 at Mercy Hospital Des Moines Iowa. Burial will be at Oakview Cem. Bertha was married to Drew Packwood and had two daughters, Opal and Mildred. Drew Packwood died in 1914 and is buried in Foster Cemetery. Bertha married Ed Lewis who died in 1972 and they had a son Eddie.


Cecil T. Wainscott, 85, of Billings passed away Friday, Jan 29, 1993, in his home of natural causes.

He was born on April 21, 1907, at Callao, MO., son of Charley and Ethel Wainscott. He moved to Roundup, Mont., with his parents at an early age, where he graduated from high school. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II in Europe. Cecil was married to Rege Nowels on Dec. 31, 1950, Billings.

He retired in 1975, after working as a clerk for the U.S. Postal Service at the downtown Post Office for 20 years. He was a member of the American Legion Post No. 4 and is a past member of the Masonic Lodge.

Surviving are his wife, Rege; a stepson and his wife, Gerald and Colleen Apps; three grandsons, Trevor, Troy and Toby Apps and a granddaughter and her husband, Tera and Mike George, all of Billings; two brothers, Harold Wainscott of Point Arena, Calif., and Hardy Wainscott of Seattle, Wash.

Graveside services will be 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb 3, in Sunset Memorial Gardens. Smith Downtown Chapel in charge of arrangements.


Various SEARS Obituaries:

Obituary for Malinda Jane Dabney Sears reads as follows:

Mrs. Matilda Sears died June 12, 1918 in Long Beach, Calif. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E.C. Wright. She is also survived by a son, Dr. A.M. Sears of Trinidad, Colo. The remains were returned to Callao, Mo. for the funeral and interment in Old Chariton burying grounds.


*Rev. William Henry Sears’ Obituary reads as follows:

Death claims Rev. Sears, Pioneer Benton County Preacher; The Rev. William Henry Sears, “Uncle Bille” to his friends, died at his Cave Springs home Sunday night at 8:30 o’clock after having decoted more than half a century to the ministry. The Rev. Mrs. Sears wa an early Benton county settler and a pioneer of the Cave Springs community. He had performed probably as many weddings as any other living Benton countian today. Eight-six years old, he had preached for more than 50 years when he retired from the pulpit. He was a former pastor of the Cave Springs Church of Christ. The Rev. Mr. Sears, a native of Missouri, born June 6, 1885, had lived in Benton county for 65 years. His wife died Auh. 5, 1940. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Cave Springs Church of Christ. Burial will be in the Hart cemetery, under direction of the Callsion funeral home. He is survived by a son, Oscar Sears, and a daughter, Mrs. J.N. Soapes, both of near Cave Springs, and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. He was the grandfather of Carl and Raymond Shores, Cave Springs merchants, Mrs. Verna Roderick of near Cave Springs, and Sears Soapes, stock buyer at Springfield, MO.


*Willis Edwin Sears’ obituary reads as follows:

W.E. Sears Passed Away Yesterday At John Runner Ranch A huge circle of friends within the Platte valley were grieved yesterday to learn that W.E. Sears, for more than 50 years a resident of this section of the county, had passed away. Death came about 11:30 a.m. and probably was the result of a stroke suffered Tuesday while at the ranch home of his granddaughter, Mrs. John Runner. As had been his daily custom for some time, Mr. Sears had gone from his home in town to the Runner ranch, and indulging another habit, he had lately formed had left the house and started to his car where he intended to rest and listen to his radio. He had suffered a stroke about a year ago which left him in a semi-crippled condition, and Mrs. Ed Scriven, employed at the ranch, had assisted him out of the house toward his car. After leaving the house, Mr. Sears told Mrs. Scriven he could go on uinassisted and she returned indoors. A few moments later hearing someone calling faintly, Mrs. Scriven went to the door and saw Mr. Sears laying on the ground. Hr had fallen before reaching his car. He was immediately placed in bed at the ranch and a doctor was called. He complained of his right hip paining him, and treatment was admisnistered to ease his pain. He feel asleep soon after, and yesterday morning was found to be in a coma. The doctor was again summoned, and it was learned that the end was swiftly nearing. Willis Edwin Sears was a few months past 79 years of age. He was born in Callao, Missouri August 5, 1861. His mother passed away while he was a small child. He spent his boyhood in his native state, and then reaching young manhood, migrated west. He was 20 years old when he arrived in Wyoming, and worked first as a stage driver on the route from Rawlins to Snake River. A short time later he moved to the Platte valley and worked on various ranches, including the pioneer A.H. Huston ranch on Cow Creek, now known as the Silver Spur Ranch. He then purchased what is now the Andrew Anderson ranch on Cow Creek, and on January 24, 1895, took as his bride Miss Minnie M. Huston, daughter of his former employer, Albert H. Huston. Mr. and Mrs. Sears operated the ranch for 25 years, then sold out and moved to California to make their home. Within a year, however, Mr.Sears began to miss the open country, the smell of sage, and the bracing air of the mountains, and he and his family returned to the valley. On their return they purchased the L.G. Sterett ranch, the place now operated by his granddaughter and her husband, Mr. & Mrs. Runner, and entered the purebred Hereford breeding business. Mr. & Mrs. Sears made their home on this ranch for many years, during which time, applying an interest and energy characteristic to many of then men of his time. Mr. Sears made an enviable reputation as a breeder of high quality cattle and accumulated a comfortable fortune. Some years ago a comfortable home was built and occupied in Saratoga, but Mr. Sears never lost his interest inthe ranch and remained heavily interested in the business until he retired about five years ago. In later years he was associated with his son-in-law Stewart McPhail. A short time ago, Mr. Runner took over, the ranch and is now operating it. but to the last Mr. Sears was happiest when close to his beloved Herfords and was almost a daily visitor to the ranch. Mr. Sears is survived by his widow: an only daughter, Mrs. Marvin Reid of Cedar creek: three granddaughters, Mrs. Lawrence Heedham of Cow creek, Mrs. John Runner; and Miss Margaret McPhail, and four great grandsons and two great granddaughters; also two half sisters, Mrs. W.E. Ashley and Mrs. Effie Wright of California, and a brother, Rev. Wm. Sears who resides in Missouri. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at the Saratoga Presbyterian church, Rev. D.N. Shotwell in charge. Interment will be in the Saratoga cemetery .


The obituary of Mrs. Minnie (Huston) Sears reads as follows:

Mrs. Minnie Sears Died Last Sunday Aged 80 Years Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie M. Sears, probably at the time of her death last Sunday on of the North Platte valley’s most long-standing residents, were held Tuesday afternoon at the Saratoga Presbyterian church, with interment at the Saratoga cemetery. The Rev. D.N. Shotwell of Encampment was in charge of the service, and the Rasmusson-Shriner Mortuary of Rawlins had charge of the arrangements. Vocal music during the service was by Mrs. Leonard Walker and Mrs. Harold Willford. Pall bearers were Jos. Munz, E.J. Shively, Wallace Barnes, Henry Flohr Jr., Chas. A. Sjoden and A.B. Walker. Mrs. Sears who was 80 years old in April, passed away in the hospital at Rawlins about 6:00 o’clock Sunday evening. She has been ill for the last five years, and her condition worsening recently, had been receiving medical treatment in the hospital for a little over a week. Mrs. Sears had been an almost continuous resident of the North Platte valley for a period of about 75 years. She was born in Laramie, WY. on April 18, 1872. When she was a small child of only five years, her parents, Mr. & Mrs. A.H. Huston, moved tothe Cow creek section of the valley, where she grew to young womanhood. She was married to Willis E. Sears in Saratoga on Jan 23, 1895 and the couple entered the ranching business which they continued until Mr. Sears retired many years ago. They then built a fine bungalow home in Saratoga, where they resided until Mr. Sears death. The home was later sold to Howard Corpening, and Mrs. Sears had made her home since in the former Frank Schilt residence which she purchased. Deceased is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Frances Reid, whoresides at Lazy River Ranch; three grandchilsren, Mrs. Lawrence Needham and Mrs. John Runner of Saratoga and Mrs. Dwight Runner of Encampment; one sister, Mrs. Anna Turnbull of Saratoga, and two brothers, Otto Huston of Walden, Colo., and Frank Huston of Encampment. Also eight grandchildren and twp great grandchildren. Mrs. Sears father, A.H. Huston, was among the earliest settlers inthis portion of the Platte valley, and gained considerable reputation as an expert rifle marksman. During his earlier days in Wyoming he hunted for a livelhood, working for the OVerland Stages with headquarters at Old Virginia Dale. He moved to Laramie in the middle 1860’s where he was married, and to the Platte valley in the later 1870’s. Mrs. Sears, until her death Sunday, headed five generations of her family born and living in Wyoming.


Raymond E. Sears’ obituary reads as follows:

Raymond E. Sears Died Tuesday Funeral Friday:

Raymond Ewin Sears 67, passed away Tuesday morning in the Broadwater Hospital. He was born March 12, 1898 in Callao, MO., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. Sears. During his early life he moved to Montana with his parents. Mr. Sears was an auto mechanic and also a heating and refridgeration expert. He operated a store in Townsend until his retirement, due to ill health. At the time of his death he was serving his third term as Justice of the Peace. He was past Master of the Valley Lodge No. 21; past Patron of Esther Chapter No. 3; Order of Eastern Star; past commander of helena No. 2 Commandry of Knights Templars, and a member of the York Rite and Algeria Shrine in Helena. Mr. Sears served as Dad Advisor to the William Harvey Chapter of DeMolay and while attending a national conclave in Kansas City, MO., in 1959 with the DeMolay boys, he was presented with the DeMolay Cross of Honor, the highest honor that can be given such an officer. Mr. Sears was also a member of the Montana Magistrate Association and the Montana Peace Officers Association. On June 18, 1917, he married Miss Verna Salisbury in Wichita, KS. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother and sister. He is survived by his widow of Townsend; two sons, Kenneth of West Yellowstone and Merle of Townsend, and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock at Connors Chapel with Rev. H.M. Waldron of Fort Harrison officiating. Valley Lodge No. 21 will conduct graveside rites at Deep Creek Cemetery.


Verna Sears’ obituary reads as follows:

Verna Sears, 72 Dies Thursday

Verna B. Sears, 72, died Thursday, May 21, at her home here. She had been a resident of Montana for 46 years. Mrs. Sears was born Aug 2, 1897, in Wichita, KS., the daughter of John and Hattie Salisbury. She was married to Raymond E. Sears June 18, 1917, in Wichita, KS., moving to Roundup in 1924. in 1928, they moved to White Sulphur Springs and in 1942 to Townsend. She was operator for Mountain States Telephone for 20 years, retiring Dec 1, 1960. She was a member of the Telephone Pioneers of America, worthy matron of Esther Chapter No. 3, Order of the Eastern Start from 1956-1957, past president of Past Matrons Club, past grand representative of Grand Chapter of Montana and a member of various clubs and the United Methodist Church in Townsend. She was preceded in death by her husband in June 1965, her parents, a sister and a brother. Survivors include two sons, Merle of Townsend and Kenneth of West Yellostone; five granddaughters, Merla, Marla, Vicki, Vonnie and Vallie; an aunt, Mrs. Alta roots of Wichita, and two nephews. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Connors Mortuary with the Rev. H.M. Waldron officiating. Burial was in Deep Creek Cemetery. Pallbearers were Art Schwisow, Glen Perry, Paul Plymale, Frank Holloway, Ernest Grimm and Wayne Plymale.


Merle Sears’ obituary reads as follows:

Merle Sears Ran Townsend School Buses

Merle Sears, 70, of Townsend, died Thursday at his home. He was born March 6, 1920, in Enid OK. to Raymond and Verna Sears. At the age of 17, he joined the U.S. Navy, serving in Pearl Harbor in 1941. He was called back to active duty in 1950 and served in the Korean Conflict. After 14 years of service in the Navy, he returned to Townsend in 1959. For many years he owned and operated an electrical and appliance store with his father. On June 30, 1963, he married Norene June Reynolds. In 1964, he owned and operated the school buses for the Broadwater County School District, retiring in 1983. in conjunction with his school bus business, Mr. Sears did refridgeration service and owned and operated a service station and car wash. He was the first president of the Broadwater Snowmobile Club and also a charter member of the Montana Cross-Country Model-T Association. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, American Legion and the Untied Methodist Church. Surviving family members include his wife, Norene of Townsend; five daughters and sons in law, Vicki Williams of Townsend, Vonnie Paris Gorman and husband, Lanny of Kalispell, Vallie and Gil Hulden of Fountain Valley, CA., Merla and Jerry Mazgaj of Hillsboro, OR. and Marla Sears of East Helena; a step-son, Kenneth Schwartz and wife of Phoenix, AZ; brother and sister-in-law, Kenneth and Nelva Sears of West Yellowstone; mother-in-law, Katherine Cole of Winston; 11 grandchildren and numerous friends. Funeral services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at Connors Mortuary in Townsend. Graveside services will be announced at the funeral service.

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