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Sampson Lineage

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William James SAMPSON & Bessie Ann DAVIES Sampson were from Cornwall England. I am still researching dates on these 2 ancestors.

They had one son, James Henry Sampson. b 4-18-1867 d 1940

When James Henry Sampson was 7 years old, he traveled from Cornwall, England on a steamship with his mother and they docked in New York City. James Henry Sampson married Clara Ellen SINCOX. She was b 1873 d 1930. Her parents were Mr. & Mrs. Edwin SINCOX of Illinois.

James and Clara Sampson had 3 children: Bessie Ella, Everett and Katherine May (Katie) Sampson.(my grand mother).

Katherine (Katie) Sampson b 3-2-1909 d 1-14-1995. She married Raymond Wesley REYNOLDS. They had one daughter, Norene June REYNOLDS.(my mother)Katherine REYNOLDS later married Raleigh B. COLE. When Katie died in 1995, she was the oldest person in Winston, Montana.

Norene June REYNOLDS b 6-4-1933 married my father Merle A SEARS on 6-30-1963.

If you think you may have some information with regards to this Sampson line, please feel free to email me.


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