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The Story of Ewing Marian Wainscott-My GG Grandfather

Ewing Marian Wainscott was born on March 8, 1834 in Clark Co., MO. and he died Oct. 12, 1921 in Macon Co., MO. He married Sarah R. Simpson in 1861 in Polk Co., MO., at the home of her parents, Rueben Simpson and Elizabeth Higginbotham.

Ewing Marian Wainscott was the 4th of 11 children of Thornton Emmit Wainscott and Rebecca (Boone) Wainscott. His parents came from Kentucky by way of a wagon train. His mother, Rebecca Boone was a Great Grand niece of the well known hunter/pioneer, Daniel Boone.

Ewing's parents moved to Iowa when he was a young child, then to Arkansas, and then to Polk Co., MO where they lived until he was approx. 17 years old.

In the early 1800's, during the gold rush years, Ewing and a party of young men headed to California with cattle to make their fortune. Along the way they were greatly annoyed by the Indians, who stole their cattle, horses and whatever else they could get. On one occasion Ewing and his Great Uncle, Allen Boone and the others followed them up into the mountains. A skirmish took place in which the Indians screamed from the heights, "put in more puger, (powder)" and still managed to make off with their horses and cattle.

While in California, Ewing and some friends worked in Placer Gold Mines, where he spent many days doing hard work, panning out the gold. After 3 years of this hard work, he started across the plains for home. Upon arriving home, his brothers Bill and Ike persuaded him to help them drive approx. 340 head of cattle back to California. It took another 4 months of travel on the plains. This group joined in with other cattle ranchers and their families on the way to California.

One of these families thought they were out of danger, and pitched a camp about 2-3 miles away from the main camp. During the night all of the members of the family, except one were killed by the Indians. This remaining man hastened to the main camp with the disturbing news. A party of men went back to the scene, and upon arriving they found that the Indians had burned or carried off everything belonging to the camp except a few feathers from which a bed had been made. When they examined the dead, they found a woman that was still living. An arrow had pierced her breast, and two shots had lodged in her body. She had also been scalped. She survived these terrible injuries and was carried onto California. One Irishman had wallowed down almost a fourth of an acre of bulrushes in his struggle with the Indians, who succeeded in slashing his throat from ear to ear. This incident occurred on the Humboldt River in Colorado.

After 2 more years of being in California, Ewing went to Texas with his brothers Bill and Ike. From Texas he went to Leadville, Colorado. After making one payment on a ranch and after a few more years, the Indians became so hostile, that Ewing was forced to leave his ranch. He left all his possessions behind, just to save his own life. Ewing headed home for Missouri.

He was then greeted with the news that the Civil War had begun, and he would be expected to join the Confederate Army. Before enlisting, Ewing Marian Wainscott married Sarah R. Simpson. He then enlisted on January 26, 1862 in Springfield, Misssouri. He was in many battles including, Pearide, Battle of the Wilderness, Luka and Corinth, where on October 12, 1862 he was wounded.

Ewing had been shot, and he lay there for hours until his brother found him and took him to a surgeon, only to hear the discouraging words, that the surgeon couldn't do anything for him. He tried to ride on an ammunition wagon, but it soon became too rough for him. An Officer riding by, saw him and gave him his own horse to ride. Ewing and his brother then rode into the country until they found a doctor. The doctor cleaned and dressed his wounds, where a shot had made its way into his mouth and came out the back of his neck. The doctor used a silk handkerchief and drew it through the wound. After a short period of rest, he again joined the Confederate Army. He was taken prisoner on May 16, 1863 at the Battle of Bakers Creek, (later known as Big Black) by the Army of Tennesse. He was then sent to Memphis. Ewing was later transferred to Fort Deleware on June 15, 1863, and then to Point Look Out, MD. on Sept. 20, 1863 and then to Elmira, NY. on August 18, 1864. He was paroled at Elmira, NY. on February 9, 1864 and sent to James River for Exchange.

A short time after Ewing was released from prison, his company and other companies and regiments of the Confederate Staes Army, commanded by Lt. Col. R.H. Lindsay surrendered at Citronelle, ALA. on May 1, 1865. He was again paroled at Meridian, Miss. on May 11, 1865. He then came to Macon Co., MO where he was joined by his wife, Sarah. They resided close to Boliver, on what was known as the Old Humphrey Place.

This story provided by W.G. Wainscott

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