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All About Me Eh?

Let me first start by saying...It's about fucken time you got here.....Excuse my language. If any of you know me...and lots of you know that FUCK is one of my favorite words. So, kick off your boots..pull up that comfy easy chair and stay awhile. This page will hopefully give you an insite into that crazy Canuck you have been speaking to for now over a year. Yeah, yeah...I know what you are saying...It's about time I got off my ass and made a web you are..Anne's little home on the World Wide Web. Hope you enjoy your stay.

This is a No Smoking Page...!!!! Drink to your hearts content...this IS Toronto eh?

I'm a Pisces born February 27, 1971...That makes me 29...
Does this sound like me..??

Born Feb. 21 - Mar. 20


Pisces Traits
Imaginative and sensitive,
Compassionate and kind
Selfless and unworldly
Intuitive and sympathetic

On the dark side....

Escapist and idealistic
Secretive and vague
Weak-willed and easily led

Pisces is one of the less flamboyant signs and its natives are more ordinary than those of, for example, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Pisceans possess a gentle, patient, malleable nature. They have many generous qualities and are friendly, good natured, kind and compassionate, sensitive to the feelings of those around them, and respond with the utmost sympathy and tact to any suffering they encounter. They are deservedly popular with all kinds of people, partly because their easygoing, affectionate, submissive natures offer no threat or challenge to stronger and more exuberant characters. They accept the people around them and the circumstances in which they find themselves rather than trying to adapt them to suit themselves, and they patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than take the initiative in solving them. They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own.

These beans are making me THIRSTY...Does anyone have any COFFEE...??? Or how about another love of mine...SCOTCH? Crown Royal? Hell..even some Jack Daniels shooters and Canuck beer chasers... Coffee and chocolate go very nicely together. MMMMMMMMM..Chocolate..another weakness of mine...Let me count the empty wrappers in my purse eh? 1, 2, 3..I give up..~LOL~ Anytime you guys need to bribe me...all the above weaknesses will work...

You can reach me on ICQ# 17261779

Besides the obvious..Stairway To Heaven..I do have another favorite song. It goes something like this...

Take my hand
You know I'll be there
If you can I'll cross
The sky for your love
For I have promised for
To be with you tonight
And for the time that will come

Take my hand
You know I'll be there
If you can I'll cross
The sky for your love
And I understand
These winds and tides
This change of times
Won't drag you away
Hold on, hold on tightly
Hold on and don't let go
Of my love

The storm will pass
It wont be long now
The storm will pass
But my love lasts forever

And take my hand
You know I'll be there
If I can I'll cross the sky
For your love
Give you what I hold dear
Hold on, hold on tightly
Hold on, hold on tightly
Rise up, rise up with wings
Like eagles you'll run, you'll run
You'll run and never grow weary

Take my hand, take my hand
Hold on, hold on tightly
Hold on, hold on tightly
This love lasts forever
This love lasts forever
This love lasts forever
Take my hand
Take my hand

U2's Drowining Man

So none of you are it is.

There's a lady who's sure
all that glitters is gold
and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
And when she gets there she knows
if the stores are closed
with a word she can get what she came for.

There's a sign on the wall
but she wants to be sure
cause you know sometimes words
have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook
there is a songbird who sings
sometimes all of our thoughts
are misgiven.

There's a feeling I get
when I look to the west
and my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen
rings of smoke
through the trees
and the voices of those who stand looking.

And it's whispered that soon
if we all call the tune
then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn
for those who stand long
and the forest will echo in laughter.

And it makes me wonder

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
don't be alarmed now
it's just a spring clean for the May Queen.
Yes there are two paths you can go by
but in the long run
there's still time to change
the road you're on.

Your head is humming and it won't go
in case you don't know
the piper's calling you to join him.
Dear lady can you hear the wind blow?
and did you know
your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
our shadow's taller than our soul
there walks a lady we all know
who shines white light and wants to show
how everything still turns to gold
and if you listen very hard
the tune will come to you at last
when all are one and one is all
to be a rock and not to roll.

Led Zeppelin's Stairway To Heaven

This page is a mish mash of all the things that are ME. This drink recipe has made me on several nights forget my name ~smile~ I dedicate it to Jeff.

Double Jack
3 oz. Yukon Jack
1 1/2 oz. Jack Daniels
shake, strain into highball glass

My Caffeine Quiz....I didn't pass.....~LOL~

Instructions for this quiz: you will need a pen or pencil,
and a scrap of paper. On the paper, number from 1 to 10,
with space beside it to write the letter of the correct
answer. Also, keep track of the time, it is very important
how long it takes you to get through the quiz!

Are you ready? Once you are ready, mark your starting time,
and begin. Do not rush, and do not go back to previous
questions in other sections of the... nevermind. Just GO!


1- How many cups of a caffeinated beverage did you consume
today (if it is before 6am, please use your totals from the previous day)?

a) none
b) a few
c) I don't got that many fingers, dude.

2- Do you like your coffee regular or decaf?

a) decaf
b) regular
c) I like Jolt damnit! Give me my Jolt!

3- Who makes Jolt Cola?

a) I don't know.
b) Hang a sec, I'll check this can next to my monitor.
c) Wet Planet, duh!

4- What's the Jolt Cola Logo?

a) I never seen it.
b) A lightning bolt through the O in Jolt.
c) A lightning bolt through the O in Jolt with a red shadow.

5- What's is the proper way to spell the drug that this page is about?

a) this page is about a drug?
b) caffeine
c) Hey man, I missed the question while I was sipping my Dew... repeat por favor?

6- What is better, a beer or a Mountain Dew?

a) they both taste like piss.
b) beer.

7- What is the meaning of life?

a) to multiply and be fruitful.
b) to die and return as a taco.

8- What does MSG make food taste like?

a) was MSG?
c) I just spilled my freakin' coffee all over my keyboard. Come again?

9- How many letters are there in the word caffeine?

a) 3
b) 8
c) Hey... my can of Dew says... LETS GO FOR BOTH!

10- Is this your second time taking the quiz?

a) no
b) yes
c) no, third (or more)


CHECK YOUR TIME! If you took more than 10 minutes, please study the quiz, and try back later.

READY FOR YOUR RESULTS? Count up yours answer A's, B's, and C's. Multiply the total number of A's by 0. Multiply the total number of B's by 1. Multiply the total number of C's by 2.

AM I AN ADDICT? If you total score is 1 or more, you ARE an addict. If your total is zero, you CAN'T count.

Protect our future, stop killing our children. Unchecked and uncorrected child abuse leads at best to a maladjusted adult, and at worst it may end in a child's death. If you don't speak up for their proctection, who will? Please report any suspected child abuse to your local authorities. Help save the life of a child.

The dangers of shaking a baby are becoming more and more apparent, often with disastrous results. The sudden shaking motion causes the baby's fragile brain to slam against the skull wall often resulting in cerebral hemorrhage, contusion and edema, bleeding within the brain or tears in brain tissue. The potential outcome is generally severe brain damage or death.
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is relatively new, and few provinces maintain accurate statistics on SBS. No one is sure just how widespread the problem really is. In at least 1/3 of all cases, evidence is found that there was previous shaking that resulted in small intracranial bleeding, but the child recovered without medical intervention. This indicates that shaking is not always an isolated event.
Fortunately, more and more health care providers are recognizing the symptoms of SBS and reporting these incidents to appropriate authorities. You can help too. Don't shake your baby.

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