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Chapter 11

What in the world am I doing? Codi asked himself. Here I am out on a hunting trip, a very profitable one I might add, and the pack of Gothlins I am hunting happened to be attacking a man and a young woman that are both hurt. There goes all of my anesthetic.

The game hunter shook his head and concentrated on the small dirt road ahead. "Hang on back there", he yelled to his passengers, "The town is only 20 more minutes away and I'll drive right to the hospital."

The sailor who had introduced himself as Dacota nodded then grabbed the side as a big hole bumped the truck hard. He turned back toward the young woman without another word to Codi. Codi shook his head again and stepped on the accelerator pedal and the worn pickup truck surged ahead.

Dacota paced in the hospital waiting room nervously awaiting the outcome of Faith's prognosis. He prayed to whatever gods were out there that she would be okay and that the doctors would be able to heal her.

"C'mon mate, settle down. Nothing you can do pacing like that. The doctors will let us know as soon as they can," called their rescuer as he looked up from his paper.

Dacota turned toward him and said, "I know you're right Mr. Areol, but Faith and me have been through a lot together and I would hate to have to report her death to her best friend."

"Who's that mate?"

Should I tell him about the other? Dacota wondered, I mean PSI agents are in every form and appearance. I don't know if I can trust him. Dacota looked at him and decided that he would take the chance and tell him all that had happened to him. Dacota slowly walked back toward the hunter and sat down beside him. "You see Mr. Areol, this whole mess began when a gang of thugs attacked me in an alley...."


Two hours later Codi was amazed at the story Dacota had told him, though he didn't show it. Even though he knew Dacota had left out some things he didn't mind. Every man had some secrets and he was a stranger. But still, what with getting attacked and with all the things he has been through, I am surprised he hasn't broken down yet. I would have given up.

Codi knew he probably would never be like Dacota. In most cases he was rougher then Dacota looked. He drank, had a lot of girlfriends, liked to shoot things and accepted almost any job. He was in effect and name a mercenary. A gunner or hunter is what his kind was called. He was hired to shoot people for assasination, (though he did not do that very often) and to shoot dangerous creatures. Most of the time though he was employed by the military and had picked up valuable information from them about how to make and use projectile weapons.

"Quite a story you tell Dacota. Can't say though that I have ever heard of this happening. And I know I am not as old as you are but I have been around awhile."

Dacota mimicked the oldest, most gravelly voice he could manage and mocked Codi, saying, "How old do you think I am sonny? 100?"

Codi chuckled and reached into his coat and pulled out a cigarette. When he dropped Dacota and Faith off at the hospital he had gone back to his apartment and changed into his town clothes. He had on some loose black pants with a long black shirt on the top. There was hidden armor on the inside of his shirt and he wore a long brown coat over it all. He had several weapons on him now and nobody would try to take them off of him.

Codi reached into his other coat pocket and pulled out a lighter. After taking a few breaths of the white tube he replied, "No I don't think you are that old. But I know you haven't had the life I've had either. From what I read in you was that you were the son of a sailor captain who died while you were young. After buying a small ship you took off to see how you would fare in the world.

"You knew Ms. Cabarel from the shop that you got jobs from and Mr. Nerak saved your life and so they both joined your ship. Mr. Keriador was hurt in a fight and you went to pick him up and take him to Los Juegos. Ms. Faith accompanied him as a friend. What you didn't know was that Nerak and Keriador were both being hunted by PSI. Then PSI found them aboard your ship, attacked, and ultimately separated you from them. I just found you and I don't know if you've heard this or not but you are now hunted by PSI too."

Dacota was taken aback by how much this young man seemed to know about what had happened to him over the past few months and even the past of his life. Dacota for the first time since meeting him had the feeling that he knew quite a bit about him. "How do you know so much about me?"

The young bounty hunter shrugged, "I have a lot of contacts all over the world. Some in very high places so it was easy to get the information. I thought I might need it to hunt you down. But I wasn't even called out and I found you anyway. PSI is offering twenty-five thousand danras for your capture. They want you alive."

Seeing the alarm and suspicion on Dacota's face he quickly added, "Oh don't worry about that, I won't turn you in. You can trust me. I mean who else can you trust?" And he knew he had Dacota there.

But what Dacota didn't know was that Codi had found out a lot by his network of spies. Codi Areol was one of the best bounty hunters and mercenaries out there. He was adept at many skills, including sniping, tracking, and fighting close-combat. "Not many people I can trust right now Codi, but thanks anyways for not telling. And if it came to the point where you need money I can pay you."

"Naw don't worry about it man, this was a small job that I helped you with. Your friend was in trouble and I was there to help. Glad to do it, though you could reimburse me on the bullets and medicine I used to help you guys."

Dacota nodded and smiled, "No problem, I will have to go to a local bank first though. Oh and by the way, whenever you are free, come back and see me here. I have a job I would like to hire you for. I will only be here for a few days though so don't take too long."

"Don't worry; I have a job to do first then I will come back in three days." Dacota nodded his thanks and offered him the little money he still had on him. Codi waved it off and left saying that he had to go check on the other job he had to do. He left Dacota some money and an address to send any messages to him. Dacota thanked him for all his help, then he went back to pacing.

Faith wasn't even aware as a doctor and a few nurses grabbed her and pushed her back onto the bed and held her still until she stopped moving. Faith opened her eyes again and they watered up.

"So you're awake. That was quick, you should have been unconcious for another hour or so."

Faith looked up, "Where am I? What, how did I get here?"

"Whoa now," the doctor replied, "You were brought in by an tall, weathered man and Mr Areol. The first man was a little hurt and we fixed him up, but you were rushed into surgery because you were close to death from the wounds the Gothlin's poisonous needles inflicted on you. We almost lost you."

"Where is Dacota?"

The doctor looked confused for a moment and then answered, "Do you mean the man that helped Areol bring you in? Never mind speaking, I see it in your eyes that that is him. He is waiting for you to get to your recovery room, where we will be moving you soon. For now though I want you to lay back down and rest. Nurse, will you please give her something so she can sleep again and move her to her room?"

Faith didn't hear anymore because her body was too tired to go on any longer. She fell into a deep, healing sleep.


It was night, like any other night in Polaros, except that this night someone was going to die in cold blood. A party was happening at the city's mayor's house. The huge mansion was open and anyone in the back yard could see past the swimming pool, patio, and the lounge room. This is exactly what a bounty hunter was seeing. Codi was on the hunt again.

If anyone saw him now they would see a young man in his twenties with medium-length blonde hair, pale green eyes, and wearing dark night camo. He moved silently through the grove at the rear of the mansion.

The party was in full swing and some of the people were dancing, talking, eating, or swimming. The mayor had thrown a party because of the re-election that had gone on recently and he had invited all the premiere people of the city. There were models, actors, nobility, and all the people that helped him become re-elected--including Codi's target who had mostly been involved with the campaign part of the election.

Codi's employer was a man on the shady end of the business who had hired him to take the campaign supporter out tonight with a shot to the head. Codi didn't know why and he didn't ask questions about it; he just accepted the job and went and did his business. And his employer was paying well, 12,000 credits to be exact.

Codi couldn't turn down the job and he didn't ask questions about it. He followed his own rules of morality. And that included not turning Dacota in when Codi hadn't been hired by PSI to find him, though he was surpised that PSI had not. He was, after all, one of the best hunters in the business.

He struggled with this issue even as he remembered his briefing the message had contained. "Exterminate the minister of the treasury. Use a snipe bullet and aim for the head. Will pay 12,000 for a head shot. Will pay 8,000 for any other fatal shot. Must shoot him by 11:45 P.M. when the General Scarrgo reaches his side and grasps his hand. Open shot most likely by the woods behind the mansion. The date is the 24th of the month of Yekiun. Date will be party with many people there. Only have one shot. Make it good."

Codi stood up from the guard he had taken out silently with his knife as he had reviewed the message in his head. He quickly moved through the forest and reached the edge. Two more guards were at the edge of the forest. Codi knew that he couldn't take them both out without alerting the people at the party, even though they were five hundred or more yards away; a challenging shot for Codi.

The young hunter swung himself up into the tree and into the small sniping post he had set up quietly a day ago. It had taken a fair amount of stealth to get the wood nailed to the tree limbs where he had a clear shot of the lawn without being noticed. Just another challenge though.

Codi smiled as he pulled out his specially made Sniper Rifle that he called the Phantom Stinger. Although slug weapons were being developed on Mystica (albeit primarily in the military), it was a slow process. But it was picking up. His was a special long range rifle that PSI issued to a sniper he had had to kill on an assignment. He had taken it and designed the barrel with grooves for greater accuracy. He still had to cock it every shot but he was developing a kind of cartridge system that he could load seven bullets and fire without cocking every shot. Then when the clip ran out he would put in a new one. But for now he would make do with the gun he had.

Codi pulled out his special barrel and attached it to the end of the gun. Then he pulled out a scope and looked through it. It wasn't good enough so he pulled another out. This one was fine and he attached it to the gun. He looked at the clock in the mansion through his scope. 11:25. Jeez, he thought, I got here a little early. Hope the guards don't find me before the time. Codi settled down to wait in the cold air.


Dacota sat beside Faith's bed and simply watched her breathe. She looked peaceful and healthy, though the heart monitors and her scratches and gashes in her arms and face belied her appearance. He looked at her as a older brother or an uncle would look at her.

Even though he didn't know her very well the recent adventures and experiences helped their relationship after he had met Duncaan the first time he asked to take him to another city. She stood beside him looking for all the world like a little girl set loose into the world with one of the most dangerous guardians ever. "Wish it could be like old times," he murmured.

"What do you mean old times?" The voice startled him out of his memories and he looked at her. Faith was awake and looking at him with clarity in her eyes he hadn't seen in two weeks.

"I am glad you are awake and in your right mind. It has been a while since I could talk to you with some semblance of healthy living."

She smiled at him. "Thank you for saving my life as many times as you did." She reached up and stroked his freshly shaven face. His eyes started to water up and Faith was surprised. As long as she had known him he had never cried in front of her.

"Dacota, what's wrong?"

"I am so glad you are alive. The whole time you were poisoned I had to hold my emotions inside or we would die. Now that we are safe for the moment I can let it out." With that Faith slowly sat up and they fell in each other's arms, embracing as they both wept out of relief and the love that had been strengthened between them through their ordeal.


When they finally composed themselves and wiped their tears away they turned to discuss more important matters, such as getting somewhere safe. "So you are telling me that a hunter helped us get away and to this city and he told you that you had a bounty on your head and yet didn't turn you in? What kind of hunter is he?"

Dacota shook his head. "The kind that has honor. He follows his own rules; that much I know. I think if I asked him that he would take us to Los Juegos and get us there safely. The problem is payment."

Faith looked confused for moment before catching on. She slowly smiled and said, "I can take care of that Dacota. Put it on my parent's account, they won't mind if it is between a few thousand credits and my life."

Dacota sighed with relief. "I am glad you said that. I was going to ask, but since you offered it will be better for all of us."

"Now the only question is, how do we get a hold of him?"

"Well," Dacota said," He said he had a job tonight and couldn't help us right now. But as soon as he gets back he is going to contact me if I have a job for him. If he survives the job, that is. I got a feeling it was less than legit."

Faith fell back on the bed and struggled with her impatience. She wanted to go home so badly. She had been dragged from city to city with Duncaan as he fought in the tourneys, gone on Dacota's boat, gotten blown up, and then almost been killed and dragged through a jungle or forest she couldn't remember. She was ready to go back to civilization. Which for her meant Los Juegos, the gambling island.


Codi looked at the mansion clock again. 11:41. Nine minutes till he had to shoot. He activated his scope and looked through it. It took him two more minutes to find his target. Once he did he followed him, carefully trying not to get any civilians in the way. But if he did, he didn't care. At 11:44 his target, a large man, went over with Codi's employer and was introduced to the General.

Codi was guessing about his employer. He didn't know a name, only an account number. So when the clock signified that it was the time, Codi still didn't have a clear shot. He was behind the general.

Codi softly cursed to himself in the night wind and tried again for a shot. His watch beeped again at 11:47, telling him shoot now or don't shoot at all. His employer must have realized that and quickly told him something. The minister smiled and turned to shake goodbye with the general. While it was a polite gesture it also gave Codi a great profile shot. He centered his crosshairs on his head and fired.

With a flash and a small crack the bullet flew toward it's target. Unfortunately the general had moved to say something else to the minister. The bullet impacted with his ear and instantly killed him. Codi could hear the screams start but didn't concentrate on them as he cocked again.

Crux! I almost had him for Martol's sake! He quickly aimed and got a head shot on the minister. Slowly, making sure, he pulled the trigger. The bullet flew out and destroyed the head of the minister of the treasury.

By now, utter chaos had settled on the party and the people were running for the exit. Not watching anymore, Codi quickly unscrewed his barrel off the gun and put them both in his pack. He drew out his short samurai sword from his back sheath and waited. All too soon, a guard came running by and Codi leaped upon him, sword extended downward. The guard fell with the sword in his chest. Pulling it out, Codi ran into the woods where his vehicle was waiting across the road, two miles away.

Now if I can just get there without being shot, I will be quite a rich man.

Dacota awoke when a small sound came from the door. A moment later a nurse walked in and for a few moments Dacota was confused about where he was. Then he remembered. He was in Faith's hospital room where he had fallen asleep on those universally uncomfortable guest chairs. He had a crick in his neck, so he sat up and started to massage it away.

The nurse saw him and asked, "I am sorry. Did I wake you?"

Dacota looked at her and gave her a small smile. "Nah, it's ok. I thought you might be someone else I am waiting for to get back. He said he had a job to do first though."

"Who is this person?"

Dacota stopped smiling and told her, "No one you would want to know."

The nurse grew a little grim realizing Dacota was probably doing something very dangerous. She just nodded, checked a few monitors and left the room.

But I am starting to wonder where Codi went to. He should have been back by now. It is almost 6 o'clock.

Even as Dacota was thinking these thoughts, the young hunter was hiding in a pile of leaves where he had lain for much of the night, hiding from the guards. These new fellows were professionals to be sure. As soon as he had killed his target he had leaped from his perch onto a guard, killed him and started back for his truck two miles away.

The problem was that the guards had gotten there before him. Codi had been forced to head out beyond the city to avoid them. They were armed with guns, crossbows, and swords. Codi wasn't worried about the guns, a little about the swords and a lot about the crossbows.

Guns on Mystica had never really gotten off the ground because of the absence of an abundant source of explosive powder. So the result had been that some guns were developed and made, but were expensive, slow to reload and cock, and not accurate beyond thirty yards. The technology on Mystica was increasing and with that the gun was slowly becoming the replacement of the crossbow. The only thing hampering the gun production was the lack of gunpowder on Mystica. And the fact that the military wasn't thrilled with letting just any person have such a destructive weapon.

Codi was the only one he knew of who had made both a very accurate gun and a multiple-firing chain gun. And he kept those secret. Just as he was trying to keep himself now.

Thankfully, when they had searched his truck he didn't have anything in it in the way of weapons or ID. So he still had his sniper, small arms gun, knife and short sword--plus a few other little tricks up his sleeve.

He looked at his watch and saw he should have been at the hospital for the job Dacota had offered him. Cursing under his breath he slowly sat up with his sniper rifle pointed out. He hadn't seen any guards in this part of the forest so far.

Codi made his way through the first couple hundred of yards before bullet flew past his ear and hit a tree ahead of him. Codi was instantly runnning fast through the woods. Two more shots rang out and flew at him and missed. Another clanged off of his hidden back armor and didn't pierce him. Codi knew that he couldn't outrun them forever. He had to get back to his truck to get out of here.

Then he saw his chance. A vine hung ahead on the path he was running on. As he came to it he grabbed it and swung up, getting his body to hang vertically with a gymnast's strength. He couldn't hold the postition for more than a minute or so. Luckily, he didn't have to wait that long.

The guards ran up to the vine and stopped seeing his tracks disappear there. Then they realized where he was and looked up, already bringing their weapons to bear on him. But they were too late. Codi had already fired his pistol at the lead guy and caught him between the eyes. Since he couldn't have gotten his sniper rifle off of his back he had opted for his pistol. Then he let go of the vine.

Two arrows and a bullet flew by him and missed. Then his sword was out and he landed on the whole group. A few minutes later they were all dead except one. Codi wanted to interrogate him. Grabbing by the collar of his jacket, Codi lifted him off the ground and slammed him into a tree. "Now you will tell me who you work for, you piece of Tronya dung."

"I work for the mayor's bodyguard force!"

Codi slammed him again and replied, "Don't lie to me, scum. I know the mayor's force isn't this good. You work for PSI don't you?"

"Kerya untol ek setu menya." Codi knew that language. The code language of secret agents. He had heard it before. Codi turned over the collar flap on the jacket and saw a small microphone with a wire going behind his back.

Codi cursed the man in five languages before trying again. "Look, you either talk or... what am I doing? You won't talk. Only one good use for you now," Codi looked into his eyes before continuing, "A warning to others." And with that he ran his sword through the man's stomach. The man gurgled unnaturally as he fell over onto the sword and Codi kicked him off coldly. The agent slumped to the ground dying.

"Have a nice day," Codi told him. Then he walked out of the woods back to his truck.

Dacota and Faith were having lunch the next day when Codi walked into their room. He was dressed in his usual street clothes and looked just a little sleep-deprived. With a nod to Dacota and just the barest of grins at Faith he pulled up a chair and sat down beside the bed. "Well, I am here. What do ya need?"

Dacota restrained himself from getting upset at him for being so many hours late. Instead he began to explain what he and Faith had discussed that morning. "Here's what we need from you. Faith and I have been talking and we have decided that the best thing to do now is get her to Los Juegos as quickly as we can."

Codi balked and looked almost surprised, but he quickly recovered and asked, "Um, just to make sure you are listening but that is suicide you know. You have a bounty on your head of 25,000 credits. Hunters will be all over the road between here and Los Juegos, not to mention how many will actually be there. So why do you want to go there?"

Dacota paused then continued, "Because her last name is Leunaera."

Now at this Codi's eyes widened. "Ahh, so that is the reason. Well, what does this have to with me?"

"We want to hire you to help me protect her until we get her to her family. Then I will disappear. If anyone can get us there you can. And we will pay you when we get there."

Codi thought for a few minutes before answering, "Alright I will do it. If you give me a portion of the fee now, that is."

But before Dacota and Faith could begin their thanks he said, "You were right about several things. I am the only one that can get you there. And," at this he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, took a puff then said, "It is going to cost you. Greatly." This time, his smile spread wide across his face.