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Where Espers Sleep
By: Brad H.

Show me the way
And I will follow
Show me a path,
And I will stray

Show me the destiny of a woman,
and I bow my head low
Show me the love of a man
And I will cry out in pain

Show me the fate of a world,
And I crumble in shame
Show me the ways of men,
And I will hide my face

Show me the ways of the orphan,
Them I will claim
Show me the goodness of a man,
And I will stay away

Show me the ways of a unknown race,
And with eyes open I gaze
Show me the world of a child,
And I cry out in pain

Show me the love of him,
And I reach again
Show me the kindness of a friend,
And I fly far far away

Show me the cowardice of myself,
I scream in disgust
Show me the ways of repentance
And to that I will run

Show me the way to father
And I run to him
Show me the way to an embrace
And I reach my arms out for him

Show me the ways of love
and I them I will embrace
Show me the ways of a soldier
And finally, I will follow without restraint

Show me the ways of a king
I gaze out in wonder
Show me the ways of a wisdom
And I reach out for her

Show me the ways of beloved,
And I will listen quietly
Show me the ways of the heart
And to them always, my father tells me

I will show you the way
I will see you again my daughter
I will guide your steps
To the place where Espers have slept