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Cry to the Heavens
(To be sung to the post-Surf tune)

By Sarah S.

What am I that I must suffer through trials as these?
How am I to endure such great pain?
What I am causes me to be shunned and despised
And my heritage binds me as chains.

'T would be bliss to stroll through any city or town
And be known not by what I am, but who.
What has happened to kindness and brotherly love?
My soul weeps and pours forth like the dew.

Alas for the love that I hold in my heart
For the girl who could never be mine!
What a cursed life I lead that denies me the joy
Of the only true love I could find!

All my thanks to the man who has taught me to care;
To reject my programming to kill.
A more loving father is rare to be found.
How I wish he were here with me still.

Must the fate of the world lie within this frail hand?
Such a harsh, yet a precious destiny.
Were it not for the two who have stood by my side,
Fear and doubt would overcome me.

Though I'm hated, much feared, I have duties to fill
And must carry them through to the end.
I will give all I have so that others survive.
I must pray that Filgaia shall mend.

Author's note: This poem is from Rudy's point of view. In my humble opinion, the music in Wild ARMs is some of the most beautiful non-SquareSoft music out there and I wrote this thinking of the time when Rudy was seriously injured and lying in bed. He had plenty of time to think things over and have a bit of self-pity too. For you who have played the game through, I'm sure you agree that he had many good excuses to feel sorry for himself, and I have always admired how he kept quiet about his sufferings. For those of you who haven't played the game, I hope I didn't spoil too much for you.