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This page is about
episode 78 of Sailor Moon
"Birth of the Black Lady"

The thirteenth new episode this year

The orginal japanese episode was episode
85 "Birth of the Queen of Darkness Black Lady"

This week's Sailor Says was "We all need to know what to do when there's an emergency..." I think it's from "A Curried Favor" but I don't remember. I do know that they didn't keep the scene where Mina(ko) cuts off a bit of her finger in the english episode.

I'm pretty sure the girl who does the voice of the Wicked Lady is the same actress who played Birdy, Peggy Jones/Launie Lonny/Vena (The artist), and Sammie's "girlfriend" Mika. This would make sense considering Birdy's character comes back in next week's episode and is still done by the same voice. She also played Lucile in "Samurai Pizza Cats".

They changed the name Black Lady to Wicked Lady. I guess they were afraid Black Lady being evil would be considered a racial slur. It like the italians I think. They made Zoicyte a woman, not because they couldn't have a homosexual on TV but they couldn't have an evil homosexual. Make a little more sense than what the North Americans are doing.

There are some slight differences from the original episode:
  • Darien/Mamoru never said that maybe Reenie/ChibiUsa was playing hide and seek with them.

  • When they showed Reenie/ChibiUsa transforming into Wicked/Black Lady they showed her feet grow then her head and hair grow. In the japanese episode they went through the entire body. I guess it was considered to much nudity for canada. If not just the nudity that was a problem they might have minded the fact that it's a child.

  • Saphire called Diamond your highness. He's his brother. In the Japanese show he always called him oni-san which is a term used to address someone like an older brother or someone with whom you have a similar relationship. He also says yes sir. It makes them seem so distant but hey, what's in a name? A whole lot.

  • Diamond refered to the scouts as Sailor Warriors. Once again it's a closer way of translating the original Sailor Senshi. Senshi is usually translated to Soldier on buttons, stickers, posters and in recent fansubs. I've got some old Artic Animation subtitled Sailor Moon S episodes where they say Sailor Warrior though. It means basically the same thing.

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    Dragon Flyz

    This page was created by: Adam Gardner (
    This page was created on Wed Nov 19th 1997
    This page was last modified on Sun Dec 14th 1997