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The Northern NSW Soccer Federation have contacted us and let us know the insurance component of our fees for this season. We will be able to inform you all of the final dollar amounts of the fees on Wednesday.

I have not recieved any formal registrations from any teams yet although i have had a number of calls from clubs to give us an idea of how many teams they will be looking to register for this season.

Registration can be handed in at any time, you don't have to wait until next Tuesdays meeting to hand in your forms. A reminder that next Tuesdays meeting, 04/03/03, will be commencing at 7.30pm although the hall will be open by 7pm to recieve registrations.

A number of teams are considering purchasing new uniforms for this season. There are a number of outlets at offer very resonable prices. Although the biggest drama you will have is time, getting your order in early enough so that you have the uniforms back in time for the start of the season.

Toronto Baptist has got a quote for a full uniform, shirts, shorts, and socks for $766. If other teams are looking to order some part of their uniform then I'm sure there will be some benefit to be had by ordering in bulk. We are currently getting some quotes organised and will be looking to order by the end of the week. Please let us know if you would like to join in this order.

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SOCCEROOS DESERVED BETTER~19/02/03 - read what Les Murray has to say about the recent match between Australia and England MORE