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Calvin's Weyr

You enter a large weyr prepared for a dragon. A young man enters after you and seems startled by you being there. You say hello and tell him your name. He responds, " hello there I am Calvin. You startled me! I didn't expect any visitors. Though I should be used to people I guess since I came from a large hold. In a large hold there's always someone privacy! Anyway, there I raised runnerbeasts with my brother. It was quite a simple life with the same everyday routine. It was boring. When the search dragon came to our hold and searched me I was so thrilled to get away. I feel bad about leaving so abruptly now but what is done is done. I hope to impress a dragon from Dragon Mount Weyr. Another clutch has been laied, and this time it was by two of our dragon! Green Jacith and brown Cedrith. I think that the flight they had was magnificant! Really early in the morining though...I was tired for the rest of the week." He laughs and shows you around his weyr. You look around the weyr. It is simply decorated with a few tapestries and other furniture. The is a large pile of bedding in the cornor beside the cot, and there is some oil on the table for the hatchling. The cloudy day is clearing up and flits can be seen flying around in the sun from the window. The air smells fresh and spring-like. You realize that you must go as there are other places to visit so, you bid him goodday and leave.

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