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L'gon and Brackiath

You enter a large weyr that is totally dark and looks deserted. Suddenly the light from a few glow baskets alerts you of someones presence. A young man about 17 turns old yells " wait do not leave. Hello good stranger, my name is Legon. I was training my little firelizard. He does not like working in the light...I swear by Farenth's egg that he is part watchweyr. Come in have a seat...a cup of klah? You know, I dont get many visitors here in this end of the weyr. Why are you here?" You decline the klah and tell him that you are here to see his dragon if he has one. He nods and says " well I am glad you came. For I recently impressed green Brackiath here. I know only females are supposed to impress greens but this little one chose me. Supposedly all males who impress greens are homesexual but do not worry I am not as I have a friend...a very good friend who is female. I impressed at the hatching of the Dance of Light Weyr. there she is, my beauty. She is small now but she will grow soon into an adult..she is now a weyrling! You look over the boy. He is farily pale and has blondish hair that is cropped short. He is tall and has deep green eyes. You take your eyes from the boy and you scan the room. There is that thread tapestry on the wall and many unlit glowbaskets surround the walls. In the corner is a firepit and beside it is a pile of bedding for a hatchling. You look over to the cave enterence and see the weyrbowl busstle. The blue weyrlings, Audieth and Mirath, are trying out their wings and they soar past. He looks out and sees the dragons. He sais " oh I cannot wait to fly with Brackiath! S'win and In'igh are so lucky to have their blues finally airborn!" You agree and say that you must leave. You go and he cries a farewell. His flit chatters a goodbye and swoops at your head as Brackiath warbles a farewell.

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