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Candidate Zalir

You enter a weyr. Within it sits a man at a table carving a piece of wood into what looks like is supposedly supposed to be a dragon or firelizard. He smiles when you enter and he gets up. He brushes the wood chips from his cloths and welcomes you into the weyr saying, " Hello good friend! My name is Zalir. I was a candidate at Pyralis Weyr. I had hoped to impress a dragon to be my lifemate and I did. His name is Bennath. Here he is"
The little blue hatchling comes over to you and tripps. He lands on the floor and does not get up. Z'lir laughs and says, " He is very clumbsy. Good thing he never gets hurt. I was an apprestise at the wood hall when I was searched but I now carve for fun. I must get back to it...I hate to see a carving unfinished for long. Thankyou for comming. Feel free to look around the weyr." You do, on the walls are glowbaskets lighting up the thread tapestry and a new impression one you had not seen. You look out the window at the weyrbowl which is busy with the arrangements for the new clutch and you sigh, now you had to walk all the way back down! Oh well and you leave.

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list of dragons and their riders
Pyralis Weyr
