A Basic Trans Glossary
Compiled by Chris
Paige from various sources
(still somewhat in-progress)
Some General Terms Defined
Sexual identity - strictly biological, by definition.
People here are either male, female or intersexed (though the
individual may or may not "fit" the biology and
therefore be cissexual or transsexual).
Gender identity - is socio-cultural, by
definition. Here the terms girl or boy and woman or man are
appropriate. What it means to be a girl or a boy, a woman or a
man in any society can vary.
Gender roles - rules assigned by society that define
what clothing, behaviors, thoughts, feelings, relationships, etc.
are considered appropriate and inappropriate for members of a
given gender. Which things are considered masculine, feminine, or
unisex varies according to location, class, occasion, and
numerous other factors.
Sexual orientation - denotes whom an individual is most
typically attracted to or aroused by. This usually indicates
romantic and/or erotic relation. Homosexual (gay, lesbian),
heterosexual (straight), and bisexual (attracted to both genders)
are most common. However, the absolute values androphilic
(attracted to men), gynecophilic (attracted to women), ambiphilic
(bisexual) help to avoid confusion when speaking of
transgendered, intersexed, two-spirited persons et al.
- asexual - someone with no significant (to oneself)
interest in sexual activity, or who identifies as asexual
- autosexual - one whose significant (to oneself)
sexual activity is masturbation
- celibate - one who is not sexually
active with anyone else -- may abstain from all sexual
activity, or may be autosexual
Trans - Across, Through, Beyond
Transition - change from one state to another
Transformation - change the shape or
character of
Transexual (TS) - A person whose mental sex
or gender identity (i.e. "male" or "female")
does not correspond to the sex or sexual identity they were born
with; this condition is considered a physical birth defect
- gender identity dysphoria (GID) -
clinically diagnosed depression caused by the sex or
sexual identity that one is born with
- genetic girl/woman/female (GG, GW, GF), genetic
boy/man/male (GB, GM) - individuals who are not
transexual and do not experience GID
- transition; transitioning - process of
changing one's sex -- usually includes changes in name
(and related legal documentation), prefered pronouns, and
clothing. Transition is the period of time in between the
start of the sex-reassignment treatment and the time when
the individual is living completely as a member of the
desired sex.
- sex reassignment treatment - process
whereby an individual changes sex; includes hormone
treatments, couseling, and real life training --
culminating in genital reconstruction
- hormone therapy - used to change secondary sex
characteristics, including breast size, weight
distribution, and hair growth
- real life training (RLT) - period where
a transitioning individual lives as a member of the
desired sex for a period of time while still having the
genitalia of the former sex. This is to help the
prospective transsexual determine if becoming a total
member of that sex is right for him or her. Real life
training (RLT) is required for a period of one year
before surgery
- sex reassignment surgery (SRS) - The
final stage in the sex-reassignement procedure,
consisting of genital reconstructive surgery; a.k.a.
sex-change operation
- pre-operative (pre-op) - a transexual
who has started sex reassignment treatment (hormones,
counseling, etc) and is anticipating sex reassignment
surgery (SRS)
- post-operative (post-op) - a transexual
who has completed the sex reassignment surgery (SRS)
- non-operative (non-op) - a transexual
who has had all the sex reassignment treatments, except
genital reconstruction. Generally non-ops have no desire
(or are unable for other reasons) to proceed with genital
reconstruction (i.e. SRS)
- male to female (MTF, M2F) - describes
sex to gender; an individual with a physically male body,
who identifies mentally as female; it is considered rude
to refer to a MTF as a man who wants to be a woman,
because a MTF considers themselves a woman
- female to male (FTM, F2M) - describes
sex to gender; an individual with a physically female
body, who identifies mentally as male; it is considered
rude to refer to a FTM as a woman who wants to be a man,
because a FTM considers themselves a man. Female to Male
SRS is dramatically more expensive than the MTF
- related difficulties - identity-related
depression; perpetually misunderstood as people try to
fit transexuality into male/female and
hetero/homosexuality categories; homophobia; physical
violence; poor health care (incl. insurance) which does
not respect the unique situation of transexuals;
harassment during routine medical treatment by
transphobic medical staff; rejection, even from gay and
lesbian folk who often judge transexuals as
- note of clarification: Transexual
identity in no way determines a person's sexual
orientation. Transexuals may be attracted to and/or
partnered with men or women, depending on personal
preference. Not all transgendered people are transexual.
- for more information: FTM International, Renaissance Transgender
Association, Transexual
Women's Resources, GENDYS
Translate - turn from one language to another
Crossing - intersect, pass over, go across
Crossdressers and Transvestites - persons who
enjoy dressing as a member of the gender opposite
from their birth gender, but have no desire to change their sex
- crossdresser (CD) - a person who, in
order to relieve strees, dresses in clothes usually
reserved for people not of their birth gender -- not the
same as transvestitism
- transvestite (TV) - a person who is
sexually aroused by dressing in the clothes usually
reserved for people not of their birth gender; often
referred to as a fetish -- not the same as crossdressing
- full-time - a person who presents
themselves as their non-birth gender in all aspects of
their life
- part-time - a person who presents
themselves sometimes as their birth gender and sometimes
as their non-birth gender
- passing - successfully presenting as
your non-birth gender
- female impersonator - a man who passes
as a woman
- male impersonator - a woman who passes
as a man
- related difficulties: misunderstood as
people try to fit crossdressing or transvestitism into
male/female and hetero/homosexuality categories;
homophobia; physical violence; rejection; subject to
outdated gender-laws which facilitate arrest and/or
harassment for impersonation
- note of clarification: Crossdressers and
transvestites may or may not by homosexual. These
practices in no way determine a person's sexual
orientation. Many crossdressers and transvestites are
happily married heterosexuals
- see also: transgender - drag queen, drag
king, butch, femme
- for more information: Tri-Ess, Boychicks, International
Foundation for Gender Education, The
American Boyz, Pathfinders
Between - in the middle of two, of space,
time; in the middle or intermediate space, midway
Inter - between, among, mutually
Intersexual - person born with mixed sexual
physiology; an actual medical condition exhibiting the physical
manifestation of genital/genetic/endocrinological differentiation
which is different from the cultural norm
- sex/gender assignment - in current Euroamerican
majority culture the assignment of sex/gender takes place
immediately after birth and is (presumed to be)
unchangeably fixed -- not because of the needs of the
newborn but because of the needs of its social
environment. Typically the only options considered are
male and female.
- genital mutilation - intersexed children
are routinely given surgery to make their genitalia
unambiguous; such surgery is most often medically
unnecessary, and can cripple sexual response. This sex
assignment by surgery is referred to by many as genital
mutilation and has come under well-founded attack as a
hurtful violation of the persons well-being.
- trauma and identity crises - Many
intersexuals live their lives in the roles to which they
were assigned -- but do not necessarily feel at peace
with them and frequently suffer from identity crises.
Intersexuals who are subjected to neonatal surgery
undergo that early physical trauma and resulting lifelong
trauma on many levels. Intersexuals who miss early
surgery often grow up alone and confused... and often
abused, because of their "in between" status.
Surgery as young teens and adults to "correct"
their bodies is also traumatic.
- hermaphrodite - (mythological) the son
of Hermes and Aphrodite, who became joined in the body
with the nymph Salamacis; (sexual identity) label used
interchangeably with intersexual, but which is offensive
to some intersexuals. (1) Intersexuals are not creatures
of myth (2) It is a term used by medical doctors and
researchers, whose overly clinical treatment of
intersexuals has been questioned (3) The term gives rise
to a myth about intersexed people. Intersexed people are
not "both sexes in one" but are a biological
uniqueness of their own form.
- "true hermaphrodite" - label
used in medical literature for persons having a mixed
gonadal structure, (ovo-testis, or sometimes one ovary
and one testis).
- "psuedo-hermaphrodite" - label
used in medical literature for all other intersexuals.
- "pseudo" vs. "true" -
As far as intersexuality itself goes, the seperation is
arbitrary and of academic interest only. Gonadal cellular
structure is but one aspect of human biology which
affects sex and sexual identity.
- she-male - female with a penis, found in
certain types of pornography. These people are not
intersexuals. They are women with carefully done
prostheses who are making pornography.
- herms, merms, ferms - These terms were
used by Anne Fausto-Sterling in her 1993 article in The
Sciences "The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female
are not enough". Herm refers to "true
hermaphrodite"; a merm would be a person born
intersexed whose karyotype was XY and a ferm is an XX
intersexed person. These delineations serve to educate
people that sex is not a bipolar dichotomy, but they do
not really classify intersexuals in a meaningful way.
- some medical terms for intersexuals - clitoromegaly,
micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous genitals, early
genital surgery, adrenal hyperplasia, Klinefelter's,
androgen insensitivity, testicular feminization.
- note of clarification: Some people
identify themselves as "intersexed" when
perhaps what they mean is "intergendered".
Intersexual is a medical condition, not a point of
- for more information: Intersex Voices, Intersex Society of North
Other - not the same; alternative, different
Transparent - letting light pass through
Bend - to curve, bow, turn
Blend - to mix or combine, and to harmonize.
Transgress - to break (a law); to sin; to
cross a boundary
- transgressive - challenging the accepted
expectations and rules of propriety
- queer - deriving from the expected,
unconventional; often refers to gay, lesbian, bisexual,
trangendered community at-large, but is often used to
define transgressive individuals more broadly speaking as
- nonconformist - one who does not comply
to a rule, pattern, custom
Transgender - A general term which refers to
anyone who does not fit into the sterotypical two gender labeling
system. Transgressive of gender norms. Gender identification
and/or presentation does not conform to culturally standard
patterns. This term is commonly used as an umbrella term to
include all manner of gender transgression, including
transsexuals, crossdressers, transvestites, and intersexuals, as
well as other self-defining people.
- transgender community (T*): A loose association of
people who transgress gender norms in a wide variety of
ways. Celebrating a recently born self-awareness, this
community is growing fast across all lines, including
social, economic, political, and philosophical divisions.
A central ethic of this community is unconditional
acceptance of individual exercise of freedoms including
gender and sexual, identity and orientation.
- camp - a form of humor, in which one
makes fun of one's oppression by taking on and
exaggerating stereotypes; makes fun of the stereotype and
laughs at the sting of the oppression
- drag queen - female-emulating male;
usually campy; often but not always a gay man
- drag king - male-emulating women; often
but not always lesbians
- femme - feminine-appearing person (male
or female)
- butch - masculine-appearing person (male
or female)
- gender-bender - a person who clearly
identifies and knows themself as a particular sex (male
or female) concurrently with gender presentations that
often do not successfully communicate these facts to
- genderf*ck, genderplay - sending mixed
messages about one's sex/gender, usually through clothing
(e.g. wearing a skirt and a beard)
- gender outlaw - person who defies
traditional gender roles
- gender-blending, androgyne, inter-gendered,
poly-gendered, bi-gendered, non-gendered, other-gendered
or third-gendered - persons who feel that they
belong to more than one gender, that they have no gender
at all, or that they are their own gender -- something
neither male nor female. These folks might dress
differently than is typical of their birth gender; try to
"pass" as another gender on a daily basis; or
take hormones or get operations to modify their bodies --
the details will vary dramatically from person to person.
They may present as male, female, mixed, neutural, or
whatever they prefer. Such identifications are an attempt
to transcend the male-female polarity altogether.
- note of clarification: Transgender folks
may or may not have any interest or need for sex
reassignment surgery (SRS). Transgendered identity in no
way determines a person's sexual orientation. Transfolk
may be attracted to or partnered with men or women,
depending on personal preference.
- for more information: International
Foundation for Gender Education, The
American Boyz, Queer
Gendered, Gender-Free
Pronouns FAQ, Boychicks
Native American Sacred traditions
Support - offer your unconditional love;
educate yourself; help your loved one communicate with
significant and/or supportive individuals, including yourself;
respect their self-definitions
Reconcile - adjust; settle; harmonize
Healing - restore to health; make well
Whole - complete; healthy; all complete thing
or system
Otherwise - differently; in a different way
Bent - inclination; or turn of mind
Shape-shifting -
Holy - free from sin; set apart; sacred
Intercourse - mutual dealings; communication; connection
radical - root; fundamental; thorough
"Trans Glossary" compiled by Chris Paige;
Visit: Chris Paige
Email: Chris Paige
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