We are all volunteers at Ontario GenWeb and due to time (and our own family)
constraints cannot enter into correspondence regarding everyone's family
tree. We have a wonderful Peel
County Query Page where you may post your "My gr grandfather
was born in Port Credit in 1854" questions and your "I can't
find Uncle Ralph, he used to live in Brampton" questions. Please
feel free to make good use of it!
If you are having difficulties tracing your Ontario lines, the various
information pages currently available on the Ontario GenWeb should be
sufficient enough to aid you in your search. If not, we do offer
the Roadblocks
page and the FAQ
Please browse around the site, chances are excellent you'll find the information
you're seeking somewhere within the OntarioGenWeb
or CanadaGenWeb project.
We do not have information on any Ontario families but our own. You
may find other folks who are researching your same lines on the Peel
County Query Page, please search through it.