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Sunday February 21 1:53 PM ET D'Amato Says New York Senate Run 'Very Tempting' By Roger Atwood WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican Sen. Alfonse D'Amato said Sunday he would ``salivate'' at the prospect of running for the Senate from New York next year and would find first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton a formidable foe. D'Amato, defeated in his re-election bid last November by Democrat Charles Schumer, said in television interviews that he missed political life and was thinking seriously about running for the seat to be vacated by retiring Democratic Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan. ``It's certainly very tempting when one looks at it. You know, the challenge,'' he said on ``Fox News Sunday.'' ``Certainly the opportunity to think about taking on that kind of race is something that those of us who enjoy political life kind of salivate over. It's going to be a great race, no matter who Mrs. Clinton runs against, if she decides to run,'' he said. The brewing race for Moynihan's seat has been electrified by the possibility that Mrs. Clinton will run for the Democratic nomination. She has given no firm date for announcing a decision on whether to run. If he ran, D'Amato might face a bruising Republican primary battle with New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who is widely believed to be planning to run. D'Amato said the general election would not be easy for Clinton, despite the likelihood of no opposition in the Democratic primary and a strong lead over Giuliani in polls. ``While she will be formidable, this is not a lay-down,'' D'Amato said. ``She would be a person in her own right (as a Senate candidate),'' D'Amato said on CBS's ``Face the Nation.'' ``She's bright, she's capable, and I think very attractive, and I think she would have the support of literally all the Democrats.'' D'Amato said there was little chance that New Yorkers would shun the Illinois-born Clinton as a carpetbagger, or a politician who comes from out of state to run for office. ``That doesn't cut it in New York. Bobby Kennedy demonstrated that,'' he said, referring to Massachusetts native Robert Kennedy who won a New York Senate election in 1964. Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch said on ``Face the Nation'' that he believed Clinton would win the seat if she ran and that ``I'm told by someone who's close to her that she's leaning that way.'' The possibility that Clinton will seek the nomination has forced other leading New York Democrats to delay starting their own campaigns. The most prominent Democratic candidate, Rep. Nita Lowey, said she was preparing her own campaign to run for the nomination -- if Clinton opts out. ``I will be a strong candidate if Mrs. Clinton should decide not to run,'' Lowey said on ``Fox News Sunday.'' ``I respect her decision-making process ... Mrs. Clinton is going to have to take the time she needs, and meantime I'm doing what I need to prepare,'' Lowey said.





What do you call eight blowjobs in December?

Hanukkah Lewinsky

What's the difference between Bill Clinton and the Queen of England?
You only have to get down on ONE knee when you visit the queen.


"My God, he's done it again!" screamed Kenneth Starr as he jumped up from watching the election returns and frantically grabbed a legal pad and a pencil. "He's a sex maniac, I tell you! He just screwed five Republicans!!!"

If Monica were a construction worker, what tools would she use?

Knee pads and a bib.

Monica walks into a bar and notices that there is no juke box, pool tables or vending machines. As she sits at the bar and orders a drink she says to the bartender "what you got for action around here? The bartender points a gorilla sitting quietly in the corner. The bartender then pulls a baseball bat out from underneath the bar, walks over to the gorilla and hits the beast squarely in the head. The gorilla goes ballistic, jumping around the room screeching and wildly flailing his arms then runs behind the bar, drops to it's knees and gives the barkeep a blowjob. After the bartender cleans up with a bar towel he hands the ballbat across the bar to Monica and says "would you like to try it? and Monica replies "Sure, just don't hit me so hard!

An out of town salesman walks into an older saloon in D.C. As he chooses a place to sit he couldn't notice that all the bar stools have numbers on the back. After he orders a scotch he notices a woman sitting farther down that oddly looks like the first lady. He says"Excuse me but why do all theses chairs have numbers on them? And she replied"You must not be a local. Every Friday and Saturday night at 7:00 9:00 and 11:00 P.M.they draw a number out of a hat and if you are sitting in the numbered chair, you go to the back room and get laid." The salesman said "you must be shitting me, no ones going to believe that! To which the woman replied" I know it's legit, that's why Bill won twice last Saturday".

Did you hear that Monica has moved to New York, and opened a business in order to put the past behind her? It is called "Monica's Dry Cleaning." Her motto is "Drop your pants and jack-et off here."

See Bill Eat Pussy!  and What Clinton Really Said in His Speech!

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