For The Ones I Loved

Silence and
red roses;
rain is today like evil.
Lost are arts, alone are ashes.
Her ghost, stymied, helplessly rooting;
the bones are the tree's heart.
Live like today is rain.
Stymied ghost,
her ashes are never alone, but
arts are lost, and dreams of death.
Heart, trees, rain --
the bones are the noose by which we're bound,
Roses red, sweet wine, a scented breeze in the garden,
life's lifted skirt beneath a tree,
bones silent and forgotten.

Wishes That Never Came

Don't blame yourself
for the murder I have done.
God knows what I felt
and accordingly I shall be judged.
Those tears you cry are not for me
but are the pity and guilt you laid on yourself.
There was nothing left for me here
no more games to play or life to live.
But you, so full of life, should spend not a moment
wishing you'd given some to me.



death is here
waiting in the shadows
dry your tears
its come to comfort you
death is calling
in a soft breezy whisper
gently holds u
in its cold yet inviting arms
calls u to him
death wants u
to take u to a place
of unwanted souls
death will come
to us all
awaiting his arrival
for him to take our souls
u cant do nothing
u cant stop fate
u have to accept it
our untimely destiny
all the babes
he takes away
all the children
he takes from u
do not worry
they r happy
in deaths comforting arms
they r kept


This page is dedicated to Jessica Ryan Francis 1979-1983