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The Art of My Little Pony

While wandering through the Palace grounds, you come to a long hall lined with frames. You have entered the Gallery.

Click on a picture to see it full size :)

The first pictures were for Ice Feather's Winter Contest. I won first place - and, Baby Abacus - for my picture of The Empress Ice Feather. Thank, Ice Feather!
Ta-da! Like a gust of moonlight on a winter's night, the Empress stands above her kingdom, gazing out with gentle wisdom. I painted the pony with watercolour and irridecent acrylic, then scanned her into my computer where I added the cliff and starfield in Photoshop.
Winter Wonderland
These are all my custome ponies, frolicing about Dream Castle! The origonal picture is scanned a score sheet of the MLP Merry-Go-Round Game and coloured in Photoshop. The ponies were added after, from my own drawings.
Preparing for the Winter Ball
Meanwhile, inside the castle, all the ponies were getting ready for the Royal Winter Ball. I drew the picture, then scanned it and coloured it in Paint Shop Pro.

The next two pictures were done for Locket's Summer Beauty Contest.
I came in fourth place :)
Beauty and the Beast
LONG, long ago, a young filly named Beauty went to stay in a mysterious castle in place of her aging father. There she met an ass, long-eared and cloven-hooved with a terrible, piercing bray, and Beauty was very much afraid. But slowly, after time had passed, Beauty saw that beneath that grimsly hide there was a gentle heart; soon, too, she would learn that of all things that make up a horse, the heart is the most dear.
The Very First Beauty Contest
When Paris took the Golden Apple from the Goddess of Quarels, he could not have forseen what was to come! Choose the prettiest of three powerful goddesses, and anger which ever two he did not pick?! Of course, Paris choose the Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite, who in exchange, gave him Helen of Troy. And so began the Trogen Wars... now do you understand why I don't like Beauty Contests?!

This is a large poster I made for my room; the colours didn't colour transfer very well ;)
These of course, are more of my customs :) They are, from right counter clockwise: Keridwyn, Winberry, Morning Glory, Whimsy, Baby Butterfly, Lady Lessons, Briar Rose, and Wild Orchid.

"Thanks for visiting the galleries! We hope you enjoyed your visit. Come again soon!

"And please remember that these pictures took a lot of hard work; they are CR. Please do not take them. If you do want a copy for your own *personal* use, please ask first!"

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