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Interntaional Celebration!

The International Pony Day Celebrations is a wonderful way to spread cheer and happiness the world across. That is what celebration is about, after all! When I began to create the ponies for this contest, I thought about all the things the world needs; I used the ideas to build my customs upon. What I came up with was a set of four ponies - Peace, Dreams, Hope, and Harmony - that symbolize some of the best aspects of humanity, and some which we need to keep working on. For this Intnational Pony Day, I wanted to wish everone all of these!

I know the contest is sapposed to be of actual ponies, but I came down with mono in June and was unable to finish the actual customs. Peace & Harmony, though complete, are at my house, while I have been recovering at my parent's place. I didn't have any way to get them and take pictures in time. Rather then null my entries before I even entered, I decided to send the next best things - portraits I painted of my ponies! Hope you enjoy them!

Peace of mind, peace of being, security in one's environment and friends!

Shake the Dream Tree and stirr awake the creative spirit...

Hope, bubbling and joyful, as endless as the stars in sky!

Harmony with everything around you is a wonderful thing :)

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