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Classic Mare

Here you will find all the mares in the "Classic" pose. It was the very first mare pose, the most common, and is very pretty! It is dated "1988".

Chestnut | Bay | Grey/White | Black | Appaloosa | Paint/Pinto

Chestnut Light "Copper Penny" Sorrel '94 Reddish brown, dark brown front legs, face White socks back legs, blaze Flaxen mane/tail "Petal to the Metal" Sorrel '01 Reddish-orange brown White splashes on each leg, blaze Flaxen mane/tail Brown "Foxy Lady" Tennessee Walker '94 Warm brown White socks three feet, stripe Brown mane/tail "Missouri Belle / Dixie Doll" (pictured) Missouri Fox Trotter '94 Warm light brown White socks, narrow stripe Brown mane/tail "Smooth Ride" Morgan '98 Dove brown with shading White socks fore, cornet rear, diamond & snip Brown mane/tail "Maraschino" Crillo '99 Brownish-orange White "shading" on legs & underbelly Warm brown mane/tail Dark "Playful Lass" American Saddlebred Dark liver-brown with shading White socks Flaxen mane/tail Bay Dark "Princess Bay" Morgan '94 Dark brown Black mane/tail "Princess" Cleveland Bay '95 Dark brown with shading Black mane/tail Light "Wild Honey" Mustang Stallion '94 Sandy brown coloured Black mane/tail Dun "Sugar'n Spice / China Doll" Warmblood Stallion '94 Orange-yellow, very "bright" Black mane/tail Unknown Lusitano Mare Mustard coloured with shading Long wavey black mane/tail Note - came with a stall set "Sugar Blaze" Quarter Horse '97 Pale yellow with shading Black mane/tail Grey "Moon Maiden" Arabian-Quarter Horse '94 white with black on legs, nose; white mane/tail "Sweet Silver" Flea-bitten Arabian Grey with shading, brown "flecks" all over yellowish hooves grey mane/tail "Wild Alice / Powerful Magic" Flea-bitten Thoroughbred White with warm brown "flecks" over body, grey shading on knees, brown hooves Pale flaxen mane/tail "Windsong" Thoroughbred '94 grey with shading grey mane/tail "Grey Willow" Thoroughbred '95 Grey with darker shading and white speckles White socks rear feet Grey mane/tail Black "Steppin' Out / Velvet Twilight" '94 Morgan black white socks three feet, diamond & snip "Lady Blackstar" Quarterhorse '95 black white diamond Appaloosa "Running Spring / Starlet" Bay Blanket Appaloosa '95 Brown with white patch on rump, warm brown spots within White socks front Black mane/tail "Walks on Snow" Bay Blanket Appaloosa '95 Brown with white patch on rump, warm brown spots within Small white patch with dark spots on hind legs aswell Black mane/tail * Indian marking on coat "Snow Patch " Bay Blanket Family Appaloossa '96 Warm brown with large white area on rump, back, with small dark spots within Brown mane/tail "Snow Queen" Grey Appaloosa '93 White with grey shading, darker grey splotches on rump Light grey mane/tail Pinto "Meadow Song " Bay Tobaino '94 White with dark brown patches Black mane/tail unknown Bay Tobaino '94 White with dark brown patches Black mane/tail * Indian markings on coat "Prairie Flower" Grey Tobaino '95 White with grey jagged patches Grey mane/tail * Indian markings on coat

If you know missing horses, names, or have corrections, email me!

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