The Classic Mare
| Here you will find all the mares in the "Classic" pose. It was the very first mare pose, the most common, and is very pretty! It is dated "1988". |
Chestnut | Bay | Grey/White | Black | Appaloosa | Paint/Pinto Chestnut Light "Copper Penny" Sorrel '94 Reddish brown, dark brown front legs, face White socks back legs, blaze Flaxen mane/tail "Petal to the Metal" Sorrel '01 Reddish-orange brown White splashes on each leg, blaze Flaxen mane/tail Brown "Foxy Lady" Tennessee Walker '94 Warm brown White socks three feet, stripe Brown mane/tail "Missouri Belle / Dixie Doll" (pictured) Missouri Fox Trotter '94 Warm light brown White socks, narrow stripe Brown mane/tail "Smooth Ride" Morgan '98 Dove brown with shading White socks fore, cornet rear, diamond & snip Brown mane/tail "Maraschino" Crillo '99 Brownish-orange White "shading" on legs & underbelly Warm brown mane/tail Dark "Playful Lass" American Saddlebred Dark liver-brown with shading White socks Flaxen mane/tail Bay Dark "Princess Bay" Morgan '94 Dark brown Black mane/tail "Princess" Cleveland Bay '95 Dark brown with shading Black mane/tail Light "Wild Honey" Mustang Stallion '94 Sandy brown coloured Black mane/tail Dun "Sugar'n Spice / China Doll" Warmblood Stallion '94 Orange-yellow, very "bright" Black mane/tail Unknown Lusitano Mare Mustard coloured with shading Long wavey black mane/tail Note - came with a stall set "Sugar Blaze" Quarter Horse '97 Pale yellow with shading Black mane/tail Grey "Moon Maiden" Arabian-Quarter Horse '94 white with black on legs, nose; white mane/tail "Sweet Silver" Flea-bitten Arabian Grey with shading, brown "flecks" all over yellowish hooves grey mane/tail "Wild Alice / Powerful Magic" Flea-bitten Thoroughbred White with warm brown "flecks" over body, grey shading on knees, brown hooves Pale flaxen mane/tail "Windsong" Thoroughbred '94 grey with shading grey mane/tail "Grey Willow" Thoroughbred '95 Grey with darker shading and white speckles White socks rear feet Grey mane/tail Black "Steppin' Out / Velvet Twilight" '94 Morgan black white socks three feet, diamond & snip "Lady Blackstar" Quarterhorse '95 black white diamond Appaloosa "Running Spring / Starlet" Bay Blanket Appaloosa '95 Brown with white patch on rump, warm brown spots within White socks front Black mane/tail "Walks on Snow" Bay Blanket Appaloosa '95 Brown with white patch on rump, warm brown spots within Small white patch with dark spots on hind legs aswell Black mane/tail * Indian marking on coat "Snow Patch " Bay Blanket Family Appaloossa '96 Warm brown with large white area on rump, back, with small dark spots within Brown mane/tail "Snow Queen" Grey Appaloosa '93 White with grey shading, darker grey splotches on rump Light grey mane/tail Pinto "Meadow Song " Bay Tobaino '94 White with dark brown patches Black mane/tail unknown Bay Tobaino '94 White with dark brown patches Black mane/tail * Indian markings on coat "Prairie Flower" Grey Tobaino '95 White with grey jagged patches Grey mane/tail * Indian markings on coat
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