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Welcome to the Isle

I am Raventyde; as a Dragon, I am the designated Guardian of the Site. No, it's not the most elevating job one could have, but I am a Dragon, and as such it is my duty to guard, and if I am to gaurd anything it might as well be something interesting, mmm?

As you noticed, nothing much seems to be happening here... Whimsy tends to get all the attention on this site... *sniff*... But for those of you who actually have come looking for something a little different, you've come to thr right place!

Stroll through the art gallery and stirr your soul, wander into the library for a good read and a hearty laugh (laughter is the world's best medicine, after all) Or, you can even return and visit Whimsy's Place... if you're not allready sick of it... *humph*

Come, my guests, my friends, and we shall be off...

* The Teleportor *

The Galleries Fantasia Puppet Creations Whimsy's Place The Library

Pathways - the teeny tiny links page :)

Isn't he cute?
I even animated
him myself ;)

Thank you for visiting my site :) Come again soon!