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The Story of the Pixie Ponies

Did you ever wonder where all those missing pony brushes go? What happened to Glory's ribbon, and Suger Apple's barret? And why does Buttons always keep loosing her buttons? Well, I have found the answer... they were "borrowed", by those tiny and mischievious members of the equine world - the Pixie Ponies! Here's how it all came to pass...

It all started when the new ponies came out. Like many others, the first time I saw them, I hated them, hated them, hated them! They didn't look like ponies, they weren't ponies, they were nasty little imposters, somebody's horrible joke, and had about as much in commen with our old My Little Ponies as Barbie to the baby doll you had as a child.

It happened one day, as I was looking through my boxful of McD's mini ponies: I realized that Hasbro had - yet again - made a remarkable mistake! These weren't ponies at all, but sprites! Pixies! Little elven creatures that stir up the dust and awaken in the star-lit dew of early morn...

These were not the sort of creature who'd be trolling a mall, or having a party with her pals, like Hasbro would have you belive on thier boxes; no, these were mischievious little imps who beheld all the world as thier play ground, nibbled on Posey's flower's and hid Cupcake's spoons when ever she went to bake. These, were Pixie Ponies.

Don't believe me?
An eluzive breed, so far, I've managed to flush out five of these little imps... and believe me, they're hard to catch... Turn your back for a moment, and they're gone - ussally off to play some mischiveous trick on you! But, to proove to you thier exsistence, here they are... Better pictures to come ;)

Where the ocean meets the rocks in a burst of spray, Siren waits, casting her emerald eyes over the rolling sea. In tune with the ocean and all her mysteries, this quiet, yet comanding pony is the Queen of the Pixies.
Midnight Dancer
If you hear wild music in the dead of night, it's probably this little imp dancing up trouble! This sneaky imp is seldom seen during the day (my guess is she sleeps... after all that dancing, wouldn't you?)
The Grapeful Jade
This mischievious little imp lives in the cheerful hollows and hidden glades. I also suspect she's a Garcia fan, and is the patron pixie of -- er, grapes!
also going buy the alias "Flower Power", this imp of a pony is often seen with Grapeful frolicking through meadows. One of the boldest of the bunch, she's notorious for "borrowing" birght, shiny objects...
Perchance to Dream
As precious as a kiss on moonlight on the dew, I didn't realize at first that this was a real pony. By far the most timid, this ethereal little one is the stuff that pony dreams are made of...

Well, there you have it... At last, all those unexplained mysteries of the pony world explained! Now you know that the next time Cotton Candy claims she didn't eat the last of the cherry pie - the pixies did - perhapse you'd better belive her!

Want to adopt a Pixie Pony of your own? They are available for trade or sale, and you never know what new and strange breed I'll capture next... E-mail Me!

Coming Soon:

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