Can't find the freakin' secrets?
You've come to the right place!
So, you've tried to find my secret links, and can't. Or you haven't tried, and don't care to. Here I will give a brief description of every page I have, as well how to get to each one, information on each one, and a link directly to it.
Secret Rooms
The Lavalamporium Go to the Ruminations Page off the Main Page. Click on the lava lamp on this page, and you are there. This is just a collection of animated lava lamps.
The Aquatic Critter Page. Thie page is found by clicking on the fish tank at the bottom of the main page. This page is just about critters in general, and my fish. In it, if you click on the word "memory" in the text, you will find The Pet Memorial Page where there are short memorials for pets who have died.

I would have more done, but I accidentally erased it!
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