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This Callisto:Warrior Queen site is owned by Rob van Damme.
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Go Callisto

So, this is my homepage, doesn't look much now, does it?
But, just wait and see, I will be updating and changing this site as much as possible,
I leave the layout of these pages the way it is, without any fancy things.
This means: No Frames (not yet anyway, I'm working on that),
No POPUP windows, except sometimes the built-in Angelfire one and no sounds (yet).
It also means that the graphics will follow, someday and one by one, just be patient.

I Won't put an 'Under Construction' sign on these pages because that's stupid,
ALL internet pages are under construction
and why should these be different?
So, this is the only Construction sign you will see, and that is only
because I like the moving picture!

Working on it!

Smokeless SITE! nothing on fire overhere!

This WebRing site is maintained by Rob van Damme
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And, (this is for QUAKE Freak Mercy55) Yes, I am using Frontpage,
and no I am NOT using Notepad ("the MAN's Editor") all the time,
I think I am man enough, I do not need any help from a program like some other persons to feel like a man :-),
just to calm you down,
I only make the layout with FP and the rest with Notepad and the Angelfire editor
(faster, does not need any uploads  ^_^
By the way dude: I Nicked your clock! thanks!, you're free to use one of the other scripts on my pages!!


Cleared counter on 29/5/99


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last updated: August 24 2005

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