I've finally gotten near the end of painting up my new 25mm Early Byzantine army. I've always loved the period of Belisarius and Narses. This army is one I thoroughly enjoy using. Last Saturday they fought in their first engagement and defeated an army of Mongols...an auspicious start.
Received from the Foundry several packs of their new Germans. Very nice figures, providing enemies for my Romano-Britons. Shields are now being provided with the figures...finally!
We are rapidly coming to grips with Ancient Warfare. The initial armies for the Foundry edition are done and the rules editing is progressing at a rapid pace. Gary Comardo, Howard Whitehouse and I are working on a set of rules for Gladiator combat. These will be fun and can be used for Ancient skirmish warfare as well.
Medieval Warfare has been completed. There will be no additions or changes to the rules, although we are still refining the army lists. I hope to have them completed by the end of next week. They will be posted up on the onelist under "Lists".
Jeff and I will be finalizing the Renaissance Warfare rules in anticipation of doing a limited publication of them for Historicon. Also, in the very near future I hope to begin work on the MW scenario booklet. This will be a full-size publication with thirty plus scenarios, o.b.'s, maps and short historical narratives for gamers who wish to put on demo games or have a get-together. I am REALLY looking forward to this project!
We have 17 of the available 32 slots filled for our Historicon tournaments. Again, please let me know if you intend to play.
We also have a very active Fall In schedule shaping up with a 25mm only tournament for both rules, several RW demo games, Liegnitz being put on by Dave and Jeff, etc. Plenty to look forward to!
This has been another very busy week. We are finalizing plans for Historicon. Our table spaces are going to be limited to eight players in each of our four tournaments. These are: on Friday, MW in 15mm and 25mm. On Saturday, AW in 15mm and 25mm scale. So far, I have eleven spots filled out of the total of 32, so there's plenty of room in each scale and period...as of NOW. I do need to know asap who will be playing and what army they will be bringing. Please email me if you intend on playing.
I have also posted the most recent QRS sheet for MW on the onelist, as well as some of our new 'snapshot' armies. These are 500-550 point armies of a specific battle or campaign. They are designed to help the wargamer who is looking for an accurate, historical army to use in scenarios or competition play. I've completed the Romans and Huns at Chalons, the Irish at Clontarf, and the Byzantines at Durazzo. All told, I will have 10 or so of these armies ready for the Foundry edition of the rules. They are being posted up on the onelist under Lists.
Back from a hectic week of travelling. The Cold Wars tournament was fun and we had a good turnout again. I managed to win the 15mm AW tourney (somehow) and Paul Dobbins took the 25mm MW trophy. There are some rules clarifications and questions on the onelist. Please take the time to join the list and check us out. The address is given below.
I need to plan for Historicon asap. Anyone planning to play in either the 25mm/15mm MW tournament on Friday or the 25mm/15mm AW tournament on Saturday please contact me as space is limited (again).
We are off to Cold Wars tomorrow morning. On Saturday, we will be running our third MW tournament and our first AW tournament. We have 8 players for the 25mm MW and 6 for the 15mm AW. At Historicon this summer, we will be running both tournaments in both scales, AW on Friday and MW on Saturday, so make your plans now! I am expecting a good turn-out and we have limited room.
After we get back, I have an article to post which is basically a play-by-play demo game of MW. This is a long article that takes you through a complete 500 point per side game, all six turns, until the bloody end. Personally, I've always found articles like this easy to follow and they are very helpful in understanding how the game is played. I'll also fill you in on the tournament results.
I have just put on the onelist the MW army list updates for February-March. These include the optional Warband changes for several units as well as the new weapon class of Various.
Also loaded into the Files section of the onelist are the March updates for both Ancient Warfare and Medieval Warfare. Jeff has also uploaded the RW playtest version 1.4 to the RenWarfare list as well. As you can see, we are staying very busy getting ready for Cold Wars in less than two weeks. I will try and stay on top of everthing as it comes in, but it is difficult. Note that the onlist has a Chat service (simply join the onelist, click on 'Chat' and you are in. Click on enter room. I try to be on from 10:30 to 11:00 edt.
2/25/00 SAGA #73 is in the mails. This is a very good issue and I hope to have some decent feedback from the articles.
I will be compiling all of the scenarios from my old Wargamer's Guides and putting them together in a full-size scenario booklet for MW. This will take a while, but should be very interesting! I'm still adding names to the database-close to 200 so far. Feel free to eamil me for more information.
2/20/00 The database has been completed. The information is available for those interested in finding opponents to play AW/MW or RW. I will be updating the database on a daily basis to keep it fresh and current. If you would like to be included, email me with your home town and state. I'll add your name and email address. I will also send you a copy upon receipt of these particulars from you.
The latest issue of SAGA is at the printer's. This will be #73 and includes articles on the Battle of Liegnitz, Later Romans, two new army lists for AW and MW, a review of a new miniatures game, plenty of letters, all of the recent rules changes and clarifications as well as much more. Subscriptions are still $25.00 for a year's worth (6 issues).
I've been working on my Sicilian Normans, trying to get them ready for the tournament at Cold Wars next month. Just one more unit of Moslem foot to do and I'm ready!
Caliver books will be distributing SAGA in the U.K. for me. This will reduce my workload and cut down on overseas mail getting lost. The Magweb version of SAGA will be going in tonight to Russ. It takes a while for it to appear as Russ needs to download the cover and take out ads, etc. You are still better off with a subscription.
We are going to play a Mongols vrs. Later Norman game next week to prepare for Cold Wars. Our sign-up games did not make it into the PEL, but they are on the HMGS East website. You must pre-register if you wish to play as a subordinate commander in any of our tournament games. They are at 9:00, 2:00 and 7:00. There is still time to sign up and play in the tourney.
The latest print run of Ancient Warfare is now available. This edition contains all of the latest revisions, rules changes, army lists and the most recent QRS sheets. We will be taking copies down to Cold Wars in support of our competition games and they will be going for the usual price.
A great response to the database! I hope to have a hundred people listed, perhaps by as early as Wednesday evening.
We also have 16 players signed up for our MW and AW tournaments at Cold Wars. Still room for more, as we had to cancel the 15mm MW.
I am putting together a database of all those who are playing AW/MW/RW. The players will be idnetified by state or country in order to make it easier to find opponents and/or to get together at local conventions. Anyone who wishes to be included in the database please send me your email and home address.
We are continuing to refine the army lists for AW/MW. I have a new list that will be appearing in the February SAGA, Neo-Babylonians by Perry Gray. Anyone who has a favorite army and who would like to submit it for inclusion, please do.
The latest print run of AW is now available for $20.00, postage paid. This has ALL of the updates through 2/1/00 and reworked army lists as well. They can be purchased from T.L. Gore, 890 Janes Rd., Rochester, NY 14612-2330. The latest MW also is now available. We will be taking the new booklets to Cold Wars. The Foundry edition of MW is looking at another 4-6 months of production before it will be out. Also, the SAGA editions contain ALL of the army lists, not just the 25 that the Foundry editions will carry.
Another great Ancient Warfare game last night saw the Romans lose a close one to the Alexandrian Greeks. This 15mm game had five commanders battling it out to the very end until the Romans met their break point (6 units) and could not quite get the Greeks to reciprocate...they lost five units.
As a result of this game, and due to the vast support from just about everyone who responded to the onelist query, we will be moving the Recover Phase to the end of the turn sequence after Close Combat. This is official for both AW and MW.
The next issue of SAGA is due out in February and I could use articles. Feel free to email them to me at tlgore@frontiernet.net.
The latest AW is going to the printer's tomorrow. We will have a limited number of these available for anyone desiring a "hard copy" of the rules. All of the updated army lists are included as well as all of the rules additions up to and including today's!
We're going to have a game this Saturday with two new players along with our 'regular' five. Our samll group is growing! Time to dust off my Late Romans...they haven't been out of the box for five years.
The AW army lists are finished. I have them available on the onelist or you can email me for them. Much discussion on the onelist lately in reference to AW. Take the time to read some of the give-and-take and send me any of your own thoughts.
The latest entry has to do with my perception on the effectiveness of elephants in ancient battles. Check it out.
I will be picking up some more copies of MW from the printer's on Monday, the same time that the "new" AW will be dropped off for printing. The updated AW army lists will ALL be included in the new version as well as all of the updates so far, including our new Signal optional rule.
Basically, the signal rule allows a general to give a "follow me!" order to any units within his command radius. The units must follow his order and either Advance, Attack or Retreat. Still looking for recruits to play in the tourney at Cold Wars!
Bruce and I are going to print up some new copies of AW for Cold Wars. These will include all of the current additions and addenda (including army list changes) reflecting the new supply rules and missile limitations as well as the new mounted spear category. Since many players would prefer a "bound" rule book vrs. a printed email one, we are doing a limited print run. I have done the same with MW, though this is hardly at all different from the previous one. I ran out of copies!
Still time to get into the tournaments at Cold Wars. Let me know!
The latest playtest version of Ancient Warfare is now available. Email me and I'll get one out to you. this latest version has the supply unit rule as well as new missile fire restrictions, a new cavalry spear weapon class, trained retreat options, the reinstated trained echelon move and formation as well as some notes and clarifications.
We are working feverishly on the AW army lists as well. Perhaps another two weeks for these.
Again, I must remind anyone interested that the AW/MW tournaments at Cold Wars are filling up fast. We still have openings for all three slots (15mm AW, 15mm and 25mm MW), but not many. Please get back to me asap if you plan on attending.
I am also asking that anyone interested in playing in the MW or AW tournaments at Cold Wars please let me know what your scale and army is. AW is 15mm only and limited to 6-8 players (I'm trying to squeeze another table out of Scott!) MW is in both scales and we can handle 6 in each scale. If you haven't joined the onelist, please do so. We are approaching 70 members.
I think we finally have the Missile Supply rule done! It is up on the onelist. Anyone desiring to can look in the rules updates area. I'm also looking for people interested in spreading the word about the rules to write to your favorite newsletter, journal or hobby magazine expressing your interest, experience and fun playing both AW and MW. I am a firm believer in getting good press about the systems out to the wargaming public. Only by continuously keeping the rules visible can we interest more and more people in playing them.
As I said before, I will certainly never get rich from this hobby...the benefits come from having a product available that gives people pleasure in playing. It is most gratifying to get emails and letters from new gamers expressing an interest in our games.
We are having a game next weekend with a AW and will be introducing the rules to a new to wargaming convert. This one-on-one method of learning is the best.
Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year.
So much for official! We are still hashing this over on the onelist, but there will be a new Missile Supply Rule for both MW and AW! I'll put it up here when it is finalized (never say final before it's done!) Mitch Abrams will be running an AW demo game at Havoc in April (check under the Schedule of Games above) and Jeff will be running a demo of the new RW rules at Cold Wars this March. Many games being played. Keep those questions coming and PLEASE check out the onelist
A new rules proposal for Missile Supply has gone out on the onelist group this evening. It is as follows: Each time a missile unit fires and fails to score a hit on the target unit, it receives a Low on Missiles marker. This should eliminate those small, two stand skirmisher units and allows for the vagaries of tired troops firing, fatigue, wet bowstrings, poor supply, etc.
Just put the new rule out on the discussion group re: missile supply.
To join, go to http://www.onelist.com/community/GoreAMwar and click on the subscribe link.
Basically, troops whose general has seen fit to purchase supply wagons or pack animals will not have to worry about running out of missiles, while others will always have a bit of a problem not knowing when or where their missile units may run low!
It looks like I'll have to do another printing of MW. I've sold all of my copies but two already. Not that that's bad, on the contrary, there are now over 300 sets out there being used (and more than one "bootleg" so I've heard!) Howard Whitehouse is working on the editing for The Foundry, but I'd be very surprised to see them before Cold Wars, so I'll run another print from SAGA. 12/19/99
Many interesting items on the discussion group this weekend. We are thinking of using a simple supply rule for missile troops. Basically, each time a missile unit fires, you roll a d6. If a "1" is rolled, you are considered Low on Missiles.
This can be alleviated by buying supply wagons. Each wagon will supply any unit(s) within 1/2 Tactical Range of them.
Any SAGA subscribers who have not received their issues by the end of the week (domestic) should contact me. The European subscribers will probably be a bit later.
Updated 12/17/99
This is something a little different. I will now be able to access the site directly and will be keeping you up to date daily in respect to the rules, SAGA, conventions, etc. I will also be getting a quick tutorial in html! That should be interesting....
Since Dave has set me up with this forum, I might as well put some news out. SAGA # 72 is in the mail. subscribers will be getting it tomorrow or Monday (except overseas, that will be a few days longer). This is a very good issue, with a great article on the Scandinavian invasion of England in 1066, a report on the Fall In convention, orders in wargames, more Medieval armies, the Skythians, battle reports, and much more. Anyone who wants to get a subscription should take advantage of the 1999 rate of $25.00 for six issues (overseas, $35.00 airmail).
Fall In was great, as usual. We had 16 players in our MW tournament. At Cold Wars in March, we will be running the tournament in both 15mm and 25mm scale again as well as our first ever AW tournament in 15mm only. The tournament will run on Saturday, with three rounds of three hours each round. The army sizes will be 500 points. I will include the tournament specific rules at a later date.
For all of you who may be interested, we have established a discussion group for AW/MW. To join, go to http://www.onelist.com/community/GoreAMwar and click on the subscribe link. We have over 50 members and the discussions are great. Currently, we are reviewing the effect of archery during the ancient period in respect to the AW rules.
Trained units rout just like Irregulars (die dependent)
Trained units forced to retreat due to a morale result retreat just like Irregulars (die dependent)
Trained units with a Retreat order make a normal, fixed move to the rear (remember, they must move at least 1/2 of their allowed movement)
Trained units in Good Morale may echelon move (45 degrees to front) at 1/2 speed