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Dreams on a Shoestring Website
Contact information for
Homeschooling on a Shoestring

Availability for bookstores and libraries in the U.S.A.:
Available through major distributors, or contact the publisher (below).

To order from outside the U.S.A.:
Contact the publisher (below) to find out the name of your distributor for wholesale orders, or order individual autographed copies directly from Judith Allee.

To book media appearances for Judith Allee, contact Judith directly.).
To contact Harold Shaw Publishers, e-mail
Please put "marketing dept." in the subject line of your e-mail, or write to:

    Harold Shaw Publishers
    P.O. Box 567
    Wheaton, Illinois 60189
Where to go from here

  • Endorsements, synopsis, and publication details for Homeschooling on a Shoestring.
  • Table of Contents and excerpts from the book.
  • Dreams on a Shoestring Website Menu
  • Contact us.
    Remember to bookmark this website.
    Revised 01/18/00