This is the name of the disease that affected my eye in August 1998. This disease affects the retina of your eye. The retina is like the film in the camera, where the image comes. Our retina has normal blood vessels, which spreads through out the retina. When the blood vessels in our retina is evenly distributed; we get proper images in our retina. We sense that with the help of our brain. The optic nerve connects the retina to the brain.
A retina is said to have Eales disease, when these blood vessels becomes abnormal. The veins come to a particular point in the retina and then it stops, without going further. Sometimes the blood vessels can twist around. Thus our blood vessels becomes abnormal. These abnormal blood vessels will bleed later, because the blood is not moving through the veins. This problem of the retina is called Eale's disease.
There is no particular reason why this problem comes to the retina. The reasons are unknown. It can be genetic, hereditary, etc, etc.
This disease is mostly found in people living in Indian sub continent regions, Middle East regions, and the areas around the Mediterranean.
Due to the Eales disease a lot of things can happen to the Retina. A retina detachment can be one result. Floaters and Flashes of light will be there in the eye. We will be able to see the jelly moving in the eye, when we focus on a white area or the sky.
If the problem is detected earlier the treatment is LASER TREATMENT:. The laser beams will kill the abnormal or the dead cells in the retina. This will enable the blood vessels to pass through normally.
Take good care of your eye. Wear sunglasses when you go out on a sunny day. Include green leafy vegetables in your diet.
If you are facing any kind of problem like this, there is no need to worry. You might be having eales disease, cancer, tumors or cysts, or Parkinson's disease or any other problems. The reasons might be unknown. The doctors will be able to do only a limited amount of treatment.
But always remember that your BODY is created by God. Each and every cell in your body is created by the Heavenly FATHER. He knows every problem in your body. He is seeing every trouble that you are undergoing.
There is only one thing that you can do. You can ask the creator of your body to cure your problem. How can you do this?
If you do these 3 simple steps, you will experience that great cure in your body. The happiness that comes into your life after this will be tremendous.
We are experiencing this in our life that's why we are sharing this with you.
May the Lord bless you.
Have thine own way Lord,
Thou art the potter
I am the clay
Mould me and make me
After thy will
Touch me and heal me
Savior divine
Fill with thy spirit
Till all shall see
Christ only always
Living in me.