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Jim's Words

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ring lists

These are words from my brother, Jim Hagen. Thank you, and enjoy.

Jim's sister

An American Lie A letter to Janet.

Sixty-Six This is a piece from the overstuffed envelope collection. An accompaning note from Jim read "I was deeply depressed on my way to work, I travelled the old road and reflected. - 10/13/98 Cajon Pass 0400 hrs.

Evil In The Wind Written on the back side of "Sixty-Six" more of the stuffed envelope collection and notes.

T he Mistress In Wishing May 1998. Old Road, Untitled 1 05/23/98. Untitled 2 04/30/98. "Most of these were done in my cement truck, which will explain the extreme sloppiness due to the bad vib of the engine."

Vodka and Gin 05/14/98 "Not the original format. Edited by Xenia.

Anthony of Beaumont

Letter from Jail 12/12/98 with poetry.

Statements What happened that lead to Jim's arrest.

Letter from Jail 01/08/99 -- letter includes mostly poetry -- Check out Travesty

  Poor Bob 01/99 -- Fact or Fiction?? That the characters in this story strongly resemble persons with whom contact has been made is purely for entertainment value? Or -- Is it?

I told the story to Jim, in hopes that he might be able to identify with Bob. My brother and I have not spoken since I went to California to help him. Xenia insisted I stay with her, so I did. After about five days in the desert with her "Poor Bob" came to be. Please read it, if you have questions - or comments - send them to me.

A Writer's Choice Literary Journal
