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The Mistress In Wishing

copyright 1998 James S. Hagen

I'm saddened by your passing
of my bedroom door
You can't hear me sniveling
while your strumin' that guitar
The hallway is like a shipping lane
on the darkest night
I search in vain to see your face
but the portholes aren't lit enough
And the cold steely water refuses to yield your name.
I awaited your arrival, but it was foiled again
over and over, will it ever end
I long for days beside you in wistful daisy fields
Your eyes were so inviting
I went head over heels
Your hands so soft and caring
I became daring, staring
I was glad, but now I'm sad
I'm saddened by your passing of my bedroom door.

copyright 1998, James S. Hagen

Your life's in a gutter and mind's in the past
How many times will you attempt to pass
Rings of smoke through the trees marking boundries,
some free
The cars on the highway are abortions with gas
How many miles will they last
The young faces behind glass
Smile eagerly and go fast
Not knowing of their fate
The road house is full
And the station well lit
The sun's coming early
So let's split

Untitled 1
copyright 1998, James S. Hagen

Give me a ride to the end of the road
Where primadonna's rein and everything's gold
No time for sadness, no pain to deflect
They give you a break though everyone's rich
The clouds are not silver, but sparkling gold
Everyone knows you, but nobody knows
Your heart's in a hand bag and your soul's been sold
And the luggage you bring is not very clean.

I fell on my ass the last time that day
The pain was a burden, I wanted to play
The wine was inviting so I started to drink
It was sweet to my lips and helped me in vain
So I set out to find what was once at hand

Take me back to where I was once happy and free
Where could this place possibly be
Maybe it's only in my head
I'll keep searching until I am dead

Untitled 2
Copyright 1998, James S. Hagen

Was this the place I wanted to be
Was anyone here my friend
Does anyone here have the time
Am I forsaken or just riddled with guilt
I looked pat the mirror
It holds nothing for me
The bastard in there is laughing at me
I drew back emotion and counted three
Do you know what it's like to be consumed
The desperation from lonliness
Can't find peace within
Thought I was blessd but I guess I'm damned
I'm surrounded by love, yet I am blind
I want to have fun but I'll never survive
The lines on my face are permanent now From never smiling
I never knew how
Far from here is calling me
I'm tired of hurting
I suppose it's religion
So God damned me

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