Sara rants and raves

sara alsop
santa rosa, california

sup mah homies, this is SARA. im not in the muthah fuckin band, but everyone "is NOY THEMSELVES", and so i decided to ask jeremy if i could write on this here WEBSIEETe! how fabulous. erin is playing mario 3 for the original nintendo, while nick and laura are gabbing about ren and stimpy, "ITS DARK IN HERE, BAHH kowalski!" aahah..... this is what many of our nights consist of.... insane giggling and flowing conversation. laura and nick are still talking about ren and stimpy, after the story is done being told, there is explosion of laughter from jeremy who is sitting next to me. ben is sad and dejected, he missed deeing at the drive in, which made him mad and sad. emily is coming back the 16th, 2 days after her birthday. all the gal's are planning on going to great america, our "old monty group" as we called it. too bad me and em are going to srhs. we have the new addition of LAURA of course, a pleasant and Lovely GIRUL. i think we are all having fun, we'll be here for a while, which might be reason for my rambling. i cut my hair today, and went to the fair. we didnt even have to pay, we just stood outside and waited for people leaving so we could take their bracelets, then tape them onto our dainty wrists. we walked around and looked at all the hoochie mama's. rock and roll, well im off, i wrote way too much, well, jeremy just said to write more. ben's house is being painted a light yellow color. the paint smells like chicken poo. when i was down in LA, we drove past chicken farms on the freeway, and it smells exaclt like tha paint. i guess chicken poo has amonia in it? im not sure. dont eat chickens, BAHHH go ahead eat eat. im actually looking forward to school this year, im taking THREE art periods. do i have a future? HELL NO! going to the JC while living out of my car for te rest of my life, as a stupid starving artist. maybe ill be an interior designer, and ill be extremely flambouant, even though i already am a girl, but still a slightly mannish girl. i was screaming on all the rides, but it was a low mannish, "uuuuuhhhh", and then giggling, and insane "FUCK OW< SON OF A BITCH", i hit my elbow's, and head, and every other part of my body, OOWWW. im gonna go while jeremy isnt LOOKING, im cool email me "", the random blabbing of sara elizabeth, (yes that is SARA without a mutha fuckin H)