Well if you act like that I just won't tell you.
OK, fine, who is this god among website designers,
this genius webmistress? Is that better?
Perfect. :-) And to answer your question, here's some
info on me:
So how does someone come up with an idea for a webpage like this? Well, it started in two places really.
I've been a Titanic buff for about 6 years now, and for most of that time I've been interested in the Titanic's designer and builder, Thomas Andrews. To me and many other Titanic buffs, he is one of the most prominent of the Titanic's heroes.
I was surfing websites for information on Andrews and stumbled across a webpage for the actor who portrayed Andrews in James Cameron's movie, Victor Garber. On the messageboard of the Unofficial Victor Garber Homepage, I met a whole bunch of people who were interested in Thomas Andrews as well and so I went back to it again and again.
Now sometimes when new people came on board, some of us would welcome them by writing a message as though they were actually boarding the Titanic. When the owner of the UVGH, Nancy, and myself happened to do that for Christina, now one of my aforementioned buddies, we started a huge RPG on the board that is still going!
The Forum RPG turned into a cross between "Titanic" and "The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (an excellent trilogy of five books--they are hilarious!) with Nancy, Chrissie and myself being time-travelers, thinking we had traveled to an alternate universe where the Titanic didn't sink--but the bookings having been messed up, we were put on one which did sink. From there we've had lots of serious and silly moments! We've had James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Billy Crystal and many more fictional charcters from our favourute musicals and movies in the RPG at some time, which has often made for some very wonderful and odd storylines. :-)
The other inspiration was the British show, "Goodnight Sweeheart", which aired on PBS. An ordinary year-2000 Londoner, Gary Sparrow, finds that when he walks into a certain neighbourhood, he'd transporedt back to the 1940s. In the end he's leading a double life, with romantic relationships in both times.
It was after watching "Goodnight Sweetheart" one night I thought that if we can't travel back in time for real--we can at least do it through fiction, and therefore, an RPG.
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I'll hopefully add some personal links soon. Till then, Happy Travelling!
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Thanks to Christina for this lovely background!